June 2024 Agenda

North Somercotes Parish Council 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the North Somercotes Parish Council is to be held in the Village Hall on Monday 24th June 2024 At 7.00 pm 

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend the whole meeting, except for items where their presence is prejudicial to the public interest, and are permitted to make representations to the Council, answer questions and give evidence (up to 3 mins per person/subject) in respect of any item of public business listed on the agenda during the public session, which is normally 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.  The meeting may only consider the business on the agenda; the Agenda and Minutes for the Parish Council Meetings are available from the Clerk, or on the website, together with the schedule of future dates and the Public Participation in Meetings Procedure - see http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/NorthSomercotes. Meetings of the Council may be recorded.

Public Session 

a.   Comments/updates from District and County Cllrs

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

i. Electricity substation graffiti

ii. Parking outside primary school opposite Warren Farm/Oasis Track

Closure of public session and commencement of formal meeting

24/6/24-1   a. Present 

b. Apologies for Absence – to RESOLVE whether or not to accept councillor absence/reasons

24/6/24-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

24/6/24-3    Minutes of the 20th May 2024 Annual Council Meeting and Monthly Meeting – to RESOLVE to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes.

24/6/24-4   Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery – repair to the metalwork on the bell outstanding, first draft mapping of grave spaces draft awaited, quotes sought for fence replacement see 15 below, letter format agree with Chairman to deal with unauthorised plaque/vases and other items being removed to the chapel store

b. Setting up Work Email Addresses – completed new email for Clerk, training to be done before switch over, councillors to be done later

c. Coastal Path – still awaiting confirmation of route

d. Chapel Field Housing – poor quality turf still needs to be replaced as tenant cannot use garden

e. Chapel Field Future Use – see 12a below

f. Defibrillators – location map of each one in the parish to be done/check registration with EMAS following meeting on 21/2

g. Public Toilets – additional camera installed and access on laptop sorted, Police investigation of recent Criminal Damage – see 12b below

h. Environment Agency – list of issues provided – awaiting comment

i. Levelling up funding – still looking for additional funding for various community projects – working with YMCA to identify and progress – more responses to questionnaire sought

j. litter bins – One has gone to the playing field, one has been moved to Conisholme Rd, ELDC are sorting out the two at the bus stop/noticeboard

k. Orchard area – has been mown and now needs strimming, prune trees and then identify and replace broken/damaged ones in autumn

l. Dog Fouling/Public Space Protection Order – ELDC information awaited for the 2024 review/Clerk to put together proposals for Neighbourhood Warden role – see also 9e below

m. wire netting on Cradle Bridge on Wembley Rd/Ark Road public footpath - Clerk has reported again

n. 2024 Public Rights of Way annual survey – Clerk to print off review sheets for the Chairman/Cllr Plater.

o. Cemetery Fencing – Clerk clarifying basis for quotes

p. Village Planters – the plants in the Axe & Cleaver crossroads planter have been refreshed and the others are being done in the coming weeks, including replacing the small planter on South Rd with the larger one

q. Bench opposite bus garage - now fallen apart/broken so needs to be repaired asap

r. Donations – Youth Club informed of the £1k available, paperwork and request details still awaited from Garden Group and Cant Sing Choir, other payments actioned as appropriate.

24/6/24-5   Cemetery – a. Action plan for the Biodiversity Duty and the Cemetery Management and Waste Plan is being progressed b. To confirm the July date for the Annual Cemetery Meeting - either 8th or 15th July at 6.30/7.00pm (depending on whether Chapel Field also needs to be looked at) and check draft agenda
24/6/24-6   To consider any Planning applications received and RESOLVE the way forward on these and other Planning matters 

a.  Planning applications for consideration:

b. To note planning applications approved: 

c. To note planning applications refused: 

d. Planning Applications appealed: 

e. Enforcement Issues/Actions: To consider the EA’s comments in relation to the planning conditions imposed on the Realignment Site at Donna Nook in relation to standing water, and RESOLVE the way forward as appropriate

f. National Grid Pylons/Substation Proposals – National Grid EGL3 and EGL4 - two new primarily offshore high voltage electricity links and associated onshore infrastructure between Scotland and England for homes in the Midlands and South of England but that will make landfall at Theddlethorpe and thence to Walpole. The Council’s objection to the proposals is in preparation.

g. Theddlethorpe Nuclear Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) – 

h. Any other urgent planning matters/applications: 

24/6/24-7   Highways, Paths and Lighting:

a. verbal update on problem log, including:

i. South Rd - 24/25 programme date still awaited but anticipated Aug/Sept 24

ii. Warren Rd drainage – date for investigation and design still awaited

iii. South Rd, South Somercotes – post office corner – some outstanding potholes still to be done

iv. Footpath reviews – Clerk to issue forms for review

b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported

i. Parking opposite Warren Road Track to Oasis/Warren Farm near Primary school – request for double yellow lines or exclusion box to prevent parking as safe access/exit for farm vehicles and caravans is being compromised

24/6/24-8   To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk

d. Village Hall Committee – 

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk

f. Youth Club – Cllr Wallis

24/6/24-9 Finance and Audit    

a)    to receive and note the bank reconciliation for June 2024

b)   to receive and RESOLVE to approve the schedule of receipts and payments for June 2024 which include the agreed amounts for Donations as agreed at the May 2024 meeting

c)   to note that the Annual Audit paperwork was submitted on 23 May 2024

d)   to receive and note the copy of the Annual accounts from the Village Hall in line with the VH Constitution

e)   to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on the Clerk’s proposals for purchase of posters to deter dog fouling

f)   to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on the Clerk’s proposals to include a new post of Neighbourhood Warden duties under the ELDC Public Space Protection Order due for renewal November 2024 to enforce dog control/dog fouling in the parish – nb ELDC deadline of 5th July 2024.

g)   to deal with any urgent financial matters

24/6/24-10 To receive/note general Correspondence for June, Website Updates and Communication entry

24/6/24-11 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 29th July 2024 in the Village Hall

Draft Cemetery Biodiversity Action Plan and Cemetery Management and Waste Plan, Chapel Field, Toilets Criminal Damage Investigation

24/6/24-12 Confidential Matters - to RESOLVE on whether the Council will move into closed session by reason of the confidential property and security matters to be transacted – if this resolution is passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.

To discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on the following issues:

a. Chapel Field future use/disposal

b. Toilets Criminal Damage Investigation

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
14 June 2024