February 2021 Agenda

North Somercotes Parish Council 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a video meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council will be held on Monday 22 February 2021 at 7pm

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend the whole meeting, except for items where their presence is prejudicial to the public interest, and are permitted to make representations to the Council, answer questions and give evidence (up to 3 mins per person/subject) in respect of any item of public business listed on the agenda during the public session, which is normally 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.  The meeting may only consider the business on the agenda; the Agenda and Minutes for the Parish Council Meetings are available on the Parish Notice Board, or from the Clerk, or on the website, together with the schedule of future dates and the Public Participation in Meetings Procedure - see http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/NorthSomercotes. Meetings of the Council may be recorded.

Public Session 

a.   Any Policing Update – Safer Together Team – email from the PCC regarding consultation & engagement

b.   District & County Cllr McNally/District Cllr Paul Rickett – any County/District Council updates

c.   Any items raised by members of the public or comments on the agenda:

i.   Keeping public footpaths clear – complaint re not approached, bridleway hedge, access to FP28

ii.   Parking outside shops by Chapel Field workers/visitors – request to contractors

iii.   Bottle Bank at the Co-op – fly tipping, ELDC waste policy

iv.   Continued flooding at South Cockerington and break-up of road surface – work scheduled for 

v.   Damaged Open reach cover outside Spa shop

vi.   Request to add Birkbeck photos to Parish Council Website

vii.   The late Trevor Ireland

viii.   Out of control Dog – another dog bitten in the Warren

Close of public session - members of the public/press are excluded from commenting/participating in the meeting from this point onwards but may observe, except during the confidential session, unless invited to remain/comment by the Chairman on behalf of the Council as a whole.

Monthly Meeting

22/2/21-1 a. Present b. Apologies for Absence – to RESOLVE whether or not to accept councillor absence/reasons n accordance with Statutory requirements

22/2/21-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

22/2/21-3 Minutes of meeting held on Monday 18 January 2021 – to receive and RESOLVE to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes.

22/2/21-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a.  Cemetery Chapel – revised quote for guttering awaited

b. Community Trees/Orchard – no further update 

c. Grass Cutting Contract – outcome confirmed to applicants, Cemetery hedge to be done shortly

d. Request to Environment Agency for timetable of works for Pye’s Hall/Marsh Lane – FOI request made see 7b

e. Anglian Water – issues acknowledged, and direct debit cancelled

f. Toilets – grant application update

g. Standing Orders /Code of Conduct – amendment – see agenda item below

h. N132/01916/20 South Rd development – letter raising issues of concern sent

i. Conisholme S106 Agreement not being complied with – ELDC looking into

j. Playing Field Roller – purchased

k. 20/21 Precept request submitted and tax base change clarified

l. Oil Delivery at 36p per litre v 40p

22/2/21-5  To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk

d. Village Hall Committee – 

e. DTE Wildlife Group/Seal Season – Cllr Newman/Clerk

22/2/21-6  To consider Planning applications received, Resolve the way forward on these/other Planning matters

a. Enforcement Cases – any issues raised by members of the public passed on to Enforcement/updates on cases

i. Caravan allegedly being used for permanent accommodation at Coastguard Cottages- under investigation 

b. Planning Applications for approval: none

c. Planning applications approved: 

i. N/132/02196/20  - Erection of a detached house/detached single garage/double car port/garden buildings on site of an existing art room/store which is to be demolished - Warren Studio, Warren Rd

ii. N/132/02174/20 -  conversion of building under permitted development - Summerfield, Bank End

d. any other urgent planning matters

22/2/21-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/resolve the way forward on relevant Highways issues

a. Any additional items to report –  

b. Request to Environment Agency for an updated Schedule – response still awaited so FOI request now submitted for detailed schedule of works and timetable

c. blocked drains outside the primary School – update on progress re root cutting and jetting awaited

d. Any other/urgent highways issues

22/2/21-8  Policies and Procedures for Consideration and Adoption

a. Protocol for the Holding of Remote Meetings – to consider the Draft procedure and RESOLVE the way forward.

b. Code of Conduct – to consider and RESOLVE to adopt the amendments to the Councillors Code of Conduct 

c. Standing Orders – to consider and RESOLVE to adopt amendments to reflect the changes in the Code of Conduct

d. Risk Assessment Review – to consider the review of the Council’s Risk Assessment & RESOLVE the way forward

e. Draft Safeguarding Policy - to consider the Draft policy and RESOLVE the way forward.

22/2/21-9 Consultation on the ELDC Local Plan Review – Issues and Options Paper circulated by email  - 15 February to 12 April 2021: To discuss the ELDC Issues and Options paper previously circulated and agree the content of the Council’s response to the consultation exercise and call for land.

22/2/21-10  Insurance Renewal – to consider the recommendation of the Clerk to renew for a further 3 year period, subject to confirming best policy terms and Insurers, and RESOLVE the way forward

22/2/21-11 Finance and Expenses

a. to note the bank reconciliation for February 2021

b. to Resolve to approve the schedule of Payments and Receipts for February 2021

c. Parish Online subscription – to consider the Clerk’s recommendation to subscribe at the sum of c£100 per annum to accurately map council assets, assist with land registry ownership for public footpath issues and planning application comments, identify emergency resilience locations -see https://www.parish-online.co.uk/features

d. to deal with any urgent/other Financial matters

22/2/21-12 To receive/note general Correspondence for February, Website Updates and Communication

22/2/21-13 Agenda Items for meeting to be held on 29 March 2021/future meetings

a. Chapel Field – future maintenance/use of retained land

b. Public Toilets Refurbishment

c. Fire Resistant Cabinets

d. Local Plan Review

e. Insurance Renewal

f. Cemetery – chapel gutters, GOR feature, and other outstanding issues from the Quinquennial report

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
15 February 2021

Sheila Pearce is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: North Somercotes Parish Council Meeting
Time: Feb 22, 2021 06:45 PM London

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