July 2023 Agenda

North Somercotes Parish Council 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council is to be held on Monday 24th July 2023 At 7.00 pm in the Village Hall

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend the whole meeting, except for items where their presence is prejudicial to the public interest, and are permitted to make representations to the Council, answer questions and give evidence (up to 3 mins per person/subject) in respect of any item of public business listed on the agenda during the public session, which is normally 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.  The meeting may only consider the business on the agenda; the Agenda and Minutes for the Parish Council Meetings are available on the Parish Notice Board, or from the Clerk, or on the website, together with the schedule of future dates and the Public Participation in Meetings Procedure - see http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/NorthSomercotes. Meetings of the Council may be recorded.

Public Session 

a.   Comments/updates from District and County Cllrs

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

Closure of public session and commencement of formal meeting

Monthly Meeting

24/7/23-1 a. Present b. Apologies for Absence – to resolve whether or not to accept councillor absence/reasons

24/7/23-2    To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

24/7/23-3   Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council and the monthly Meeting held on 26 June 2023 – to RESOLVE to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes.

24/7/23-4   Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery –annual meeting held 17 July, historic records entered into database, Garden of Remembrance works to start 2/8, toilet hire arranged , mowing now three-weekly, hedge plants suffering in the drought, changes to Cemetery Rules & Regulations ongoing, map of grave spaces being checked

b. Amenity Area – additional quotes still being sought

c. Toilets refurbishment – one quote received, another one awaited

d. Setting up Work Email Addresses – outstanding

e. Coastal Path – still awaiting confirmation of route

f. Chapel Field – see agenda item below, field gate by Pavilion repaired

g. Hedgehog Champions – pack arrived and to be provided to Primary School

h. St Mary’s Redundant Section Wall – work completed

i. Sycamore Tree outside St Mary’s Church Hall – work completed

j. request to ELDC on 10 May for cost of additional Dog Waste bin on Bank End – response chased again and still awaited

k. Follow up on public concerns re defibrillators not accessed/used on recent fatality – ongoing

l. Parish Council Donations 2023/24 – Swimming pool requirement pending, other sources of funding being investigated

m. purchase of trial dispenser and dog waste bags for Playing Field – requested proforma invoice

n. Chapel Field Housing – wet gardens/poor grass – tenant being visited in September

o. Donna Nook RAF/DIO Land and Buildings to be relisted as an Asset of Community Value - submitted as per Resolution 26/6/23

p. Bulk LPG scheme – note put in communication

q. Addition of inscription to War Memorial – Clerk has now discussed this with Leakes and it does not appear to be feasible 

24/7/23-5   To consider any actions arising from the Cemetery Meeting on 17th July and RESOLVE the way forward, including 

a. spoil heap removal

b. installation of compost bin for recycling floral tribute green waste

c. installation of bin/new area for excess soil/policy of scattering

d. purchase of plants for edging of roadway up to chapels

e. purchase of plants/bulbs/seeds for trial wildflower planting areas

24/7/23-6   To consider any Planning applications received and RESOLVE the way forward on these and other Planning matters 

a. Planning applications for approval – none

b. to note planning applications granted:

N/132/01115/23 - Change of use of existing agricultural land to equestrian grazing paddocks, construction of an all weather riding arena, erection of stables for private use, erection of fencing and construction of an access track. LAND ADJACENT TO WHIMBREL COTTAGE, MARSH LANE,

d. Enforcement Issues/Actions – to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward/receive any updates as per request.  

i. Static Caravan sited on land adjacent to the Brooks, Church End (approved menage) – Update requested.

ii. Lodge/caravan on land off Bridleway from Church End, near Shoalwater - Update requested.

iii. Land off Coastguard Road Donna Nook (Bespoke) N/132/02073/22 – Update requested.

e. Any other urgent planning matters/applications

24/7/23-7   Highways, Paths and Lighting:

a. verbal update on problem log, including:

i. South Rd – programme date awaited

ii. Warren Rd drainage – programme date awaited

iii. Monitoring 40mph speed limit on Conisholme Rd – update from Lincs RSP on monitoring awaited

iv.  Locksley Way footpaths – LCC declined to repair now – passed to Cllr McNally given residents’ recent slips/falls

v. overgrown hedges – request put in Communication

vi. Howden’s Pullover access track to car park/nature reserve – logged and passed to Cllr McNally

b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported

24/7/23-8   To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk

d. Village Hall Committee – 

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk

24/7/23-9    Finance

a)   to receive and note the bank reconciliation for July 2023

b)   to receive and RESOLVE to approve the schedule of receipts and payments for July 2023

c)   to consider any further quotes received for the Toilets and/or Amenity area and RESOLVE the way forward

d)   to consider quote of £240 for cutting back the trees and overhanging branches/vegetation on Conisholme Rd 

e)   to deal with any urgent financial matters

24/7/23-10  22/23 Audit

a) to note 22/23 Annual Audit typo corrected – assets of £204,907 not £204,707 as submitted for 21-22

b) to note and RESOLVE to approve the amended Asset list for 31 March 2023 following discussion with the external auditor

c) to consider and RESOLVE to approve the Asset Register Policy, following discussion with the external auditor.

24/7/23-11  To receive/note general Correspondence for July, Website Updates and Communication

Response from EMAS circulated 

24/7/23-12 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 25th September 2023 in the Village Hall

Future replacement of parish boundary and Village Signs, Councillor Training/refresher training, Clerks proposal to look at feasibility of recycling blister packs, work to ensure all defibrillators registered and map of locations provided at each one

24/7/23-13 Confidential Matters - to RESOLVE on whether the Council will move into closed session by reason of the confidential property matters to be transacted – if this resolution is passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.

a. Post office Provision – to consider and RESOLVE the way forward on exercising the Council’s General Power of Competence to facilitate the enabling works required to reopen the Post Office in the village.

b. Chapel Field – initial discussion of potential options following councillors inspection on 17 July 2023, and any actions required in the meantime

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer – 18 July 2023