November 2023 Agenda

North Somercotes Parish Council 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council is to be held on Monday 27th November 2023 At 7.00 pm in the St Mary’s Church Hall

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend.


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend the whole meeting, except for items where their presence is prejudicial to the public interest, and are permitted to make representations to the Council, answer questions and give evidence (up to 3 mins per person/subject) in respect of any item of public business listed on the agenda during the public session, which is normally 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.  The meeting may only consider the business on the agenda; the Agenda and Minutes for the Parish Council Meetings are available on the Parish Notice Board, or from the Clerk, or on the website, together with the schedule of future dates and the Public Participation in Meetings Procedure - see Meetings of the Council may be recorded.

Public Session 

a.   Comments/updates from District and County Cllrs

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

i.  Remembrance – to note thanks from those present and parish council to Lay Chaplain and Bugler

ii. Door Knockers – recent activity – note put in Communication – ‘no cold callers’ signs requested

iii. Howden’s Pullover access track to car park/nature reserve – Car Park area

Closure of public session and commencement of formal meeting

Monthly Meeting


a. Present

b. Apologies for Absence – to resolve whether or not to accept councillor absence/reasons

27/11/23-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

27/11/23-3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 October 2023 – to RESOLVE to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes.

27/11/23-4   Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery – just two remaining sections of plaques to be installed, ELDC Pride Team assisting with planting of bulbs 23/11, changes to Cemetery Rules & Regulations ongoing, repair to the metalwork on the bell outstanding, map of grave spaces still being checked, mapping of electric cable arranged, weatherboard on chapel door rotted off

b. Setting up Work Email Addresses – outstanding

c. Coastal Path – still awaiting confirmation of route 

d. Chapel Field Housing – Platform visit has taken place but do not believe problem areas in gardens resolved   

e. Hedgehog Champions – pack delivered to the Primary School

f. purchase of trial dispenser and dog waste bags for Playing Field –pending resolution of anti-social behaviour

g. Chapel Field Future Use – neighbours to be contacted re trees, school to be contacted re growing project – outstanding, land cleared but trees still need dealing with

h. Donna Nook RAF/DIO Land and Buildings ACV listing – information on local community individual and group use submitted to ELDC, outcome awaited

i. Defibrillators – location map of each one in the parish to be done/check registration with EMAS – outstanding

j. Remembrance Observance – grateful thanks to Bugler and Chaplain.  Consider lamppost poppies for next year, and invited others to sponsor these or donate knitted/crochet poppies.

k. Louth Canal lack of maintenance – letter done to MP Victoria Atkins copied to EA

l. Complaint to Police re ASB and criminal damage – letter done

m. Letter to District Cllr McNally – letter done requesting him to activate the most appropriate way forward to deal with the appropriate agencies to resolve the current ASB/Criminal behaviour

27/11/23-5 Budget Setting 24/25 – to discuss the Clerk’s narrative on next year’s budget priorities and pressures and first draft budget and RESOLVE the way forward.

27/11/23-6 To consider Planning applications received and RESOLVE the way forward on these and other Planning matters 

a. Planning applications for approval:

b. to note planning applications granted:

c. Enforcement Issues/Actions

d. Any other urgent planning matters/applications

27/11/23-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting:

a. verbal update on problem log, including:

i. South Rd – programme date awaited

ii. Warren Rd drainage – programme date awaited

v. overgrown hedge Evison Way – Letter done, and further complaint received

vi. Howden’s Pullover access track to car park/nature reserve – track repaired but car ark area remains waterlogged owing to uneven surface as noted in the public session

b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported

27/11/23-8 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk

d. Village Hall Committee – 

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk 

27/11/23-9    Finance

a)   to receive and note the bank reconciliation for November 2023

b)   to receive and RESOLVE to approve the schedule of receipts and payments for November 2023

c)   to deal with any urgent financial matters

27/11/23-10 To receive/note general Correspondence for November, Website Updates and Communication

Comments have been made to the consultation by Ofgem re daily electric charges – Toilets daily charge is currently £1.58.

27/11/23-11 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 18th December 2023 in ST MARY’S CHURCH HALL

Budget Setting progress for 24/25

27/11/23-12 Confidential Matters - to RESOLVE on whether the Council will move into closed session by reason of the confidential personnel matters to be transacted – if this resolution is passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.

a.   To discuss any updates on the action being taken following the recent spate of Anti-social behaviour/Criminal damage and RESOLVE the way forward.

Sheila Pearce
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
20 November 2023