May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

North Somercotes Parish Council 

Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Monthly meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 20th May 2024 At 6.30 pm in the Village Hall

There were no members of the public present and Cllr Rickett had given his apologies prior to the meeting.  The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and opened the Annual Meeting and monthly meeting at 6.30pm

20/5/24-1   Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman, signing Declaration of Office and Declaration of Interests forms

a. Appointment of Chairman – there being no other nominations for the position of Chair it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Stephen Brooks to the position, and he signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman.

b. Appointment of Vice Chairman - there being no other nominations for the position of Chair it was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Neil Drewery to the position and he signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Vice Chairman.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and suspended Standing Orders for the public session to take place.

Public Session 

a.   Comments/updates from District and County Cllrs:

Cllr McNally noted that LCC had recently published its 4th Carbon Management Plan, with emissions reduced by 44% from 2016 baselines, achieved in the main by the changes to street lighting. The next 20% reduction will prove more challenging.  DEFRA have announced targets for more simple recycling by 2026, which will involve food waste being recycled separately and the continued recycling of paper and cardboard separately, which has so far resulted in 15,000 tons being recycled.  LCC are pushing for health checks for 40–70-year-olds being achieved by 1/10/24 and £600k pa is set aside for this.  Fixed Penalty fines for Fly Tipping are set to increase from £400 to £1k, and dash cam footage will be acceptable to pursue prosecutions.  The ELDC Grassroots scheme can offer loans of up to £25k for village halls and other community buildings; some work has been done on dealing with Antisocial Behaviour with the recruitment of additional staff.  ELDC will be objecting to the National Grid proposals for EGL 3 and 4 and pushing for the subsea option.  Work is underway to try and make people more aware of doorstep scams, and a system for checks on Funeral Homes, which are currently unregulated, is being looked at.

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

A request for highways signage ‘Slow down for horses/Pass wide and slow’ has been made to the Council and the Clerk is looking into this with assistance from Cllr McNally.  If the Parish Council procures these then they will cost approx £40 each, and siting on Conisholme Rd, South Rd, Jubilee Rd, Churchill Rd and Warren Rd, were discussed as desirable.

Closure of public session and recommencement of formal meeting

Annual General Meeting and Monthly Meeting

20/5/24-2 a. Present:  Cllr Stephen Brooks – Chairman, Cllr Neil Drewery – Vice Chairman, Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Lynda Plater, Cllr Shaun Smiley, Cllr David Wallis, Cllr Paul Walmsley, Sheila Pearce – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.

b. Apologies for Absence – none

20/5/24-3    To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – none.

20/5/24-4   General Power of Competence – The Clerk confirmed that the General Power of Competence, was adopted last year after the elections as the council met the eligibility criteria, this being: 

•   The number of Councillors elected at the election on 4th May 2023 (excluding co-opted/appointed Councillors) equals/exceeds two-thirds of the total number of seats on the Council (11 out of 11)
•   The Clerk has completed relevant GPC training and holds one of the two sector-specific qualifications, in this case the Certificate in Local Council Administration (achieved with distinction in September 2015).

Therefore, having resolved to adopt the GPC on the 15th May 2023, it was not necessary to confirm its adoption again until the next relevant Annual Meeting of the Council, which will be after the next parish council election in 2027, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012).

20/5/24-5   Appointment of Councillors as representatives on Village Organisations/Committees/Working Groups: 

Following discussion the following were confirmed:

a. Playing Fields Association – Cllr Paul Walmsley          

b. Police Panel – Cllr Trisha Newman noted that she would continue at present

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Trisha Newman/Clerk         

d. Village Hall Committee – none appointed

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Trisha Newman/Clerk         

f.  Youth Club – Cllr David Wallis

g. Cemetery Committee (all Councillors)         

h. Footpaths/Bridleways – 2024 reviews – Chairman and Cllr Lynda Plater      

i. Chapel Fields future use/sale (all councillors)   

20/5/24-6   Current Status of Parish Council Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations 

a.   Code of Conduct – no change required

b.   Standing Orders – no change required

c.   Financial Regulations – it was RESOLVED to adopt the updated Financial Regulations 2024, including:

•   the appointment of a Councillor Paul Walmsley to check the Bank Reconciliation as required
•   review of current banking arrangements – Cooperative
•   including variable direct debits for water and electricity for the toilets and cemetery

d.   Freedom of Information – no change required

e.   General Data Protection Regulations – to be reviewed 

f.   Emergency /Flood Planning – outstanding project

g.   Donations and Grants Policy and Procedure – it was RESOLVED to adopt the updated policy/procedure.

Other policies and procedures will be looked at during the year and timetabled as required.

20/5/24-7   Cemetery – a. the Clerk’s proposed changes to Cemetery Fees, which maintain the principle of double fees for out of parish interments, were considered.  It was RESOLVED to adopt these with effect from 1 June 2024.

b. Cemetery Rules & Regulations – no changes proposed at present, pending the action plan for the Biodiversity Duty and the Cemetery Management and Waste Plan 

c. July date for Annual Cemetery Meeting – two evening dates were suggested, and the Clerk will email everyone to see which is the best date for as many as possible, starting time of either 6.30pm or 7pm, depending on whether a visit to Chapel Field is also required, for either the 8th or 15th July 2024.

20/5/24-8   Review of Pay for Parish Council Employees additional tasks

•    It was RESOLVED to adopt the proposed rates of pay for standby duties, interment of caskets and installation of plaques (NB - rates of pay for litter picker, Chapel/Toilet cleaners and village/cemetery maintenance are subject to minimum wage rate so have been increased on 1 April 2024). 

20/5/24-9    Parish Council Donations 2024/25 – Budget of £500 (section 137 monies) and £2,000* other monies

The previous year’s donations were noted and following consideration of the requests/proposed donations it was RESOLVED to donate the following:

i. Communication Magazine £200

ii. CAB £50   

(LIVES £100 – no decision made pending resolution of issues)

iii. Lindsey Blind Society £100

iv. Youth Club £1K   

v. ANPR £700   

vi. Christmas Tree £100 - £200   

vii. Gardening Group £100 for projector, pending receipt of completed paperwork

viii. Can’t Sing Choir – will be considered once paperwork received.

The Chairman closed the Annual General Meeting agenda and opened the monthly meeting at 7.24pm

Monthly Meeting

20/5/24-10  Minutes of 22nd April 2024 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes and they were signed and dated by the Chairman.

20/5/24-11  Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery – repair to the metalwork on the bell is still outstanding, first draft mapping of grave spaces submitted and await its return; issue with monument database has been resolved; quotes sought for fence replacement see 15 below; letter format agreed with Chairman to deal with longstanding or unauthorised plaques/vases and other items being removed to the chapel store

b. Setting up Work Email Addresses – has been set up and completed new email for Clerk, training to be undertaken and councillors to be done

c. Coastal Path – still awaiting confirmation of route

d. Chapel Field Housing – poor quality turf still needs to be replaced as tenant cannot use garden

e. Chapel Field Future Use – quotes being sought for the works agreed pending any decision on its future use/options

f.  Defibrillators – location map of each one in the parish to be done/check registration with EMAS following meeting on 21/2

g. Swimming pool roof – work completed and invoice paid

h. Public Toilets – waiting for additional camera to be installed and remote access on laptop/phone to be sorted, some grouting still to be finished

i. Levelling up funding - looking for additional funding for various community projects – working with YMCA to identify and progress – questionnaire put on social media/noticeboard

j. litter bins – arrived 17/5, one of which to go to playing field, plus one from the 2 near noticeboard to be moved to Conisholme Rd by bench

k. Orchard area – identify and replace broken trees in the autumn – outstanding

l. Annual Parish Meeting Notes – actions arising include asking WI/others if they wish to knit/crochet/make poppies to be displayed this year along with lamp post poppies; ensuring that a copy of the Rules and Fees is in the noticeboard at the Cemetery, considering comments from parishioners on the proposals re plastic flowers and floral oasis when determining the Biodiversity Action plan/timetable,  second litter bin from by Noticeboard on Keeling street to be relocated to Conisholme Rd.

20/5/24-12 To consider any Planning applications received and RESOLVE the way forward on these and other Planning matters 

a.  Planning applications for consideration – none.

b. To note planning applications approved - none

c. To note planning applications refused - none

d. Planning Applications appealed: 

e. Enforcement Issues/Actions: Clerk to check with Planning/EA re planning conditions imposed on the Realignment Site at Donna Nook in relation to standing water and mosquitoes plus outstanding items eg Management of the site.

f. National Grid Pylons/Substation Proposals – National Grid EGL3 and EGL4 - two new primarily offshore high voltage electricity links and associated onshore infrastructure between Scotland and England for homes in the Midlands and South of England but that will make landfall at Theddlethorpe and thence to Walpole. 

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would prepare an objection to the proposals for the Chairman to sign, as they are hugely destructive of high-grade arable land and the same arguments apply against these proposals as made for the Grimsby to Walpole pylon proposals.

g. Theddlethorpe Nuclear Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) – no further info at this time.

h. Any other urgent planning matters/applications - none

20/5/24-13 Highways, Paths and Lighting:

a. verbal update on problem log, including:

i. South Rd - 24/25 programme date still awaited but anticipated Aug/Sept 24

ii. Warren Rd drainage – date for investigation and design still awaited

iii. South Rd, South Somercotes – post office corner – some outstanding potholes still outstanding

iv. wire netting on Cradle Bridge on Wembley Rd/Ark Road public footpath - Clerk has reported but work not yet done

b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported - none

20/5/24-14 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – no report          

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman – no report

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – no report

d. Village Hall Committee – no rep 

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk – no report

f. Youth Club – Cllr David Wallis – the split of age groups over the two nights is working well though more volunteers are needed, and additional funding will be required for the hire of the extra night.

20/5/24-15 Finance and 23/24 Audit

a)   the bank reconciliations for April and May 2024 were received, examined, and signed by the Chairman.

b)   it was RESOLVED to approve the schedule of receipts of £25,366.27 and payments of £36,376.46 in total for April and May 2024

c)   it was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement Section 1 of the 2023/24 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and it was signed/dated as so approved as required

d)   it was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statements Section 2 of the AGAR for 2023/24 and it was signed/dated as so approved by the Chairman of the Meeting.

e)   the dates for the Notice and period of time for the exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts were noted as being Monday 3 June to 12 July inclusive, by mutual agreement with the Clerk during that time.

f)   to deal with any other/urgent financial matters 

i. Fencing at Cemetery – it was RESOLVED to proceed with the removal of the Lincolnshire fencing and replacement with post and wire alongside the footpath boundary, subject to clarifying that the quotes were for the same supply.  The boundary fencing to the adjacent field would not be replaced at this time given that the hedge is now growing up, and there is no livestock in the field, so the expenditure is not required.

20/5/24-16 General Correspondence for May, Website Updates and Communication – the items which the Clerk has circulated were noted.

20/5/24-17 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 24th June 2024 in the Village Hall

Agenda for Cemetery Annual Inspection and Chapel Field Inspection/Draft Options consideration, Cemetery Biodiversity Action Plan and Cemetery Management and Waste Plan (if available)

Sheila Pearce
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer