April 2024 Minutes

North Somercotes Parish Council 

Minutes of the North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 22nd April 2024 At 7pm in the Village Hall

There were no members of the public present.  Cllr Paul Rickett was not in attendance, having given his prior apologies.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and opened the public session at 7 pm.

Public Session 

a.   Any updates from County and District Councillors

Cllr McNally noted that the ELDC energy Advice team were still available to visit communities to discuss the availability of grants for improving home insulation and heating, including giving details of eligibility.

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

i. Concerns over instances of drink driving in the village – the Clerk noted the comments which had been raised and councillors confirmed that the most appropriate way of dealing with such concerns would be for the individual to raise them with the police at the time the incident was noted.  

ii. request for an additional waste bin on Conisholme Rd to help with the issue of cleaning up dog waste – the Clerk noted that she has raised this with the ELDC cleansing team to see what can be done.

iii. other hedging in Loxley way overhanging pavement – letter to be done for home occupier/owner

iv. Comments regarding the proposals to no longer permit single use plastics/floral foam Oasis in the Cemetery in the future as part of the actions to be taken by the council to meet its biodiversity duty

The Clerk noted that she has not had any further comments or queries from those who had raised concerns at the Annual Parish Meeting, although she has received comments commending the parish council for its stance in relation to single use plastic and dealt with queries from others over which type of artificial flowers are suitable.

v. Comments re refuse left in bags on pavement/bins left all over pavement – the Clerk will locate and provide the information to the householder re getting a larger bin.

The Chairman closed the public session at 7.07pm and started the monthly meeting

22/4/24-1 a. Present:  Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr David Wallis, Cllr Paul Walmsley, Sheila Pearce – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

b. Apologies for Absence – it was RESOLVED to accept Cllr Shaun Smalley’s absence for the reasons given.

22/4/24-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – None.

22/4/24-3 Minutes of 25th March 2024 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt the notes as accurate minutes, and they were duly signed and dated by the Chairman.

22/4/24-4   Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery – repair to the metalwork on the bell outstanding, first draft mapping of grave spaces submitted, issue with monument database to be resolved, quotes sought for fence replacement, Valuation Office reply submitted, further note put in Communication re future use of Floral foam/oasis and plastic flowers/tributes, with unauthorised plaque/vases and other items being removed to the chapel store, see also 8A and B below

b. Setting up Work Email Addresses – completed new email for Clerk, councillors to be done

c. Coastal Path – still awaiting confirmation of route

d. Chapel Field Housing – poor quality turf still needs to be replaced as tenant cannot use garden

e. Chapel Field Future Use – see item 13 below

f. Defibrillators – location map of each one in the parish to be done/check registration with EMAS following meeting on 21/2, check and consider budgeting for pads/battery replacements for some/all available to the public

g. Swimming pool roof – work completed invoice awaited 

h. Public Toilets – new/extended CCTV now installed and training to be undertaken on its use, some final refurbishment issues to be resolved and small cubicle to be opened to start with

i. Levelling up funding - looking for additional funding for various community projects – working with YMCA to identify and progress – questionnaire being sent out this week if any other comments outstanding

j. litter bins – still awaited, one of which will go to playing field

k. Orchard area – identify and replace broken trees – see also item 9c below  

22/4/24-5 External Audit 2023/24 – the deadline for submission of the annual external audit was noted as 1 July 2024.

a)   the final bank reconciliation for 31 March 2024 was received and noted/signed by the Chairman

b)   the 2023/24 outturn against budget was received and noted 

c)   the Internal Audit Report has already been received and noted – minute ref:  26/2/24 item 9e-i refers

d)   the Risk Management review and actions has been received – minute ref: 26/2/24 item 5a refers

e)   it was RESOLVED to accept the circulated Parish Council Assets for Audit list as at 31/3/24

f)   it was RESOLVED to accept the general/earmarked notional reserves position as of 31 March 2024

g)    the dates for the Notice and period of time for the exercise of public rights to inspect the accounts were noted as being Monday 3 June to 12 July inclusive, by mutual agreement with the Clerk during that time. The following were carried over to the May Agenda:

g)   to receive and approve the Annual Governance Statement Section 1 of the 2023/24 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and sign/date as so approved 

h)   to receive and approve the Annual Accounting Statements Section 2 for 2023/24 and sign/date as so approved by the Chairman of the Meeting 

22/4/24-6 To consider Planning applications/other planning matters received and RESOLVE the way forward

a.  Planning applications for consideration:

i. TPO Tree Applications - Nendaz/Sunnyside/Summermeade, Jubilee Road – Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to support this application.

b. To note planning applications approved: none

c. To note planning applications refused: none

d. Planning Applications appealed: none

e. Enforcement Issues/Actions: none

f. National Grid Pylons/Substation Proposals – additional consultation for further proposals will be circulated to councillors by the Clerk.

g. Theddlethorpe Nuclear Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) – Cllr McNally noted that the County Investment Fund which is part of the GDF community funds will be holding their 4th meeting to consider bids, which people need to submit now.

h. Any other urgent planning matters/applications: none.

22/4/24-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting:

a. verbal update on problem log, including:

i. South Rd - 24/25 programme date still awaited but anticipated Aug/Sept 24

ii. Warren Rd drainage – date for investigation and design still awaited

iii. South Rd, South Somercotes – post office corner – some outstanding potholes still to be done

b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported

i. wire netting on Cradle Bridge on Wembley Rd/Ark Road public footpath - needs fixing, Clerk to report.

22/4/24-8 Cemetery Rules and Procedures/Biodiversity Duty

A. North Somercotes Parish Council Draft Biodiversity Policy – following discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt the proposed policy which is required to demonstrate the council’s commitment to meeting its statutory duty under Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, updated by Section 102 of the Environment Act 2021.  The Clerk will now draft an action plan for approval to fulfil the duties, to go with the Cemetery Management and Waste Plan, which is also being developed.

B. North Somercotes Cemetery Rules January 2024 – to consider if there are any amendments or clarification required to the agreed Cemetery Rules taking into account the Parish Council’s Biodiversity Policy and comments from cemetery users on the proposals to phase out the use of Floral Foam/Oasis and other single-use plastics/non-compostable/non-biodegradable floral tributes and RESOLVE the way forward.  The Clerk noted that:

-   Tributes consisting solely of plastic should not be permitted beyond a date to be agreed and this will be detailed in the Cemetery Management and Waste Plan
-   Tributes consisting mainly of fabric will be permitted, but will be removed when the PC considers they are unsightly/likely to cause nuisance, eg damaged, breaking down, blowing about, or not in standard receptacles as per the long-standing Cemetery rules
-   Glass items and other non-authorised/unpaid items including plaques and vases will be removed to the chapel store for safe keeping for a short period to enable owners to retrieve them, and then disposed of.  Where possible the relatives will be contacted prior to removal
-   The rules on temporary grave marking plaques being allowed for 6 months after a funeral will be enforced – where possible the relatives of the recently deceased, as well as those dating back some years, will be reminded/informed by letter before these are removed.

22/4/24-9 Finance

a)   The final bank reconciliation for April 2024 will be circulated once interim accounts have been entered

b)   the interim schedule of receipts of £24,246.27 and payments of £28,808.28 for April 2024 was received and it was RESOLVED to approve them

c)   discussion took place on whether to purchase a wildlife/trail camera that could also be used to identify who is causing the criminal damage in the orchard, but no further action was decided.

d)   deal with any other/urgent financial matters

i. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to approve the addition of a further camera on the frontage of the toilet to replace the one on the adjacent building as there was already evidence of damage to the outer door on the new paintwork.

ii. Following discussion and clarification of the reserves position, it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would pay the total for the installation of the joint Toilets/Playing Field CCTV system as some of this surveils the rear of the toilets and part of the track area, and the addition of a camera to the frontage of the toilets will ensure full coverage.  The Parish Council is also paying for the monthly sim card costs of £20, and the system can now be reviewed remotely via mobile phone and laptop by key contacts.

22/4/24-10 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – the new CCTV is now installed.  A date for the summer event fund raiser will be agreed shortly.

b. Police Advisory Group – Cllr Newman – no report

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk- no report   

d. Village Hall Committee – no representative

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk – no report      

f. Youth Club – Cllr David Wallis – The split of the age groups over two nights has now started to see how it works.

22/4/24-11 General Correspondence for April, Website Updates and Communication entry – circulated.

22/4/24-12 Agenda items for the Annual Meeting of the Council and the Monthly meeting of the council to be held on 20th May 2024 in the VILLAGE HALL starting at the earlier time of 6.30pm - Appointment of Chairman & Vice Chairman with completion of signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office, Annual Audit 23/24, any actions for the parish council to consider arising from the Annual Parish Meeting on 10 April 2024, proposed date for July Cemetery review meeting, proposed response to ELDC Public Space Protection Order (if available for consultation)

22/4/24-13 Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED that the Council would move into closed session by reason of the confidential property matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press present in the meeting at this point.

a. Chapel Field Future Use – the recent request to neighbours regarding overhanging trees was discussed.  The Clerk will obtain quotes for the work to the hedges and trees as well as removal of the poplar suckers in the gateway and elsewhere.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.36pm.

Sheila Pearce
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer