January 2023 DRAFT Minutes

North Somercotes Parish Council 

Minutes of the Meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 23rd January 2023 At 7pm in St Mary’s Hall, Keeling St

There were no members of the public present.  District Cllr Paul Rickett was present.  The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and opened the public session at 7.01 pm

Public Session 

a.   Any updates from County and District Councillors

i. District Cllr Paul Rickett – noted that the Hub at Horncastle, the new ELDC premises, was now fully functional.  The Levelling Up fund will provide £8m for three cultural projects in East Lindsey - Alford Manor House, Alford Windmill and Spilsby Sessions House.  Some 40 electric charging points are to be installed across the district including in Skegness, Tattershall, Sutton on Sea and 2 at The Hub.

ii. County Cllr Danny McNally – noted that the Lincs County Council priorities were out for consultation, and the Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board were facing a 32% increase in electricity charges so this would be reflected in the drainage board charges for next year.  Some 217,000 birds had been culled in under 7 months owing to Avian Flu, and a Unitary Council bid was again being considered.

Cllrs asked Cllr McNally if the Head of Planning at ELDC could be asked to attend a forthcoming Parish Council meeting to explain some recent planning decisions (agenda item 6 below). Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should send an invite outlining concerns that they would like to see addressed. 

b.   Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

i. Future of Post Office Services in North Somercotes – the Clerk has responded to any questions received via email and phone regarding the current position, which is that discussions have been ongoing with potential franchisees but as yet there is no alternative identified in North Somercotes.  It was again noted that the Parish Council does not have any powers or duties that it can exercise in respect of the Post Office service.

ii. overgrown hedging complaints – opposite Axe and Cleaver and between Manor House and Old Post Office

The Clerk will follow these up by speaking with the landowners to see if they can be resolved, before referring them to Highways if they cannot.

iii. Kerb edging on Marsh Lane –this has been reported on fix my street

iv. Drain depth/drop in carriageway outside Village Institute –this has been reported on fix my street

v. amount of dog pooh on Churchill Road and elsewhere – this can be reported on fix my street/to ELDC, and underlines the importance of planning to take on a volunteer/employed Dog Warden under the Public Space Protection order when it is next due for renewal.

vi. Light Obscured outside St Mary’s Church Hall – this has been raised with St Mary’s, although ownership of the tree in question is not clear (St Mary’s or Academy land)

vii. alleged habitual thieving – there appears to be a number of incidents which are linked to occupiers of a white flatbed truck, which has  ‘Tree Services and Landscaping’ displayed on the side. This is being followed up.

vii. King Charles III Coronation Events – the Clerk updated that there is a group in the village now looking at village events, which may or may not include an event for the Coronation in May.  Neither the parish council nor the playing field are planning an event, though the Village Hall may be.  The Playing Field would be available for a summer event, but the usual committee members would not be organising this as they are otherwise occupied this year.  Insurance may be covered as part of such an event, depending on what it was.  The Clerk will place another note in the next communication magazine.

The Chairman closed the Public Session and started the Monthly meeting at 7.18pm.

23/1/23-1 a. Present: Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Lynda Plater, Cllr Shaun Smalley, Cllr David Wallis, Cllr Paul Walmsley, Sheila Pearce – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.

b. Apologies for Absence – it was RESOLVED to accept Cllr Kennedy’s absence for the reasons given to the Clerk.

23/1/23-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders

Cllr McNally declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning matters as a Member of the ELDC Planning Committee, and Cllr Walmsley declared a non-pecuniary interest in Planning Applications at 6aii N/132/02421/22 - LITTLE PADDOCKS, CONISHOLME ROAD and 6C Appeals - Plot 6 Tulip Way, Conisholme Rd APP/D2510/W/22/3310724.

23/1/23-3 Minutes of 19th December 2022 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt/sign the notes as accurate minutes and the Chairman signed and dated them accordingly.

23/1/23-4   Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Cemetery – see 5 below

b. Donations and Grants – Lives £80 donation actioned

c. Councillor community grants – outcome awaited

d. Amenity Area – preparing requirements for quote

e. Zero Carbon Parishes project – costed list of lighting in village hall and Pavilion now received and being prepared for submission

f. Youth Club – suggested visit to DIO AWR at Donna Nook passed on to Youth Club

g.  Toilets refurbishment – quote requested, checking other possible builders

h. Setting up Work Email Addresses – to be implemented for May 2023 following elections 

i. Planters and Litter bins – awaiting better weather, plus planning for one more of each in 23/24 budget

j. Good Neighbours Scheme/weekly Warm Space venue to be run by volunteers –Exploration of the Good Neighbour Scheme rather than specifically Warm Space, as likely to be more useful - outstanding

k. Electricity – Collective purchasing  - looking into with LALC – outstanding,

l. Oil Scheme – recently completed an order of over 35,000 litres at 68p per litre plus vat, saving approx 6p per litre on 500 litre price.

23/1/23-5– Cemetery – to discuss and RESOLVE the Way forward as required

a. to consider the quote for the removal of trees/stump grinding – it was RESOLVED to accept the quote provided, to include removal of the lumber.

b. Progress with the Mapping and digitisation of Cemetery records – the first iteration of the map has been received and will now take some time to check.  The software will be proceeding shortly once the pricing anomaly is resolved.

c. To note quotes being sought for works to GOR – assessing suitable potential suppliers to approach.

23/1/23-6 To consider Planning applications/other planning matters received and RESOLVE the way forward

a.  Planning applications for consideration:

i. N/132/02073/22 –LAND OFF, COASTGUARD ROAD, DONNA NOOK – Erection of a shed with a lean to either side. Firstly, A: to consider the fact that ELDC planning decided on the application before the consultation closing date and RESOLVE the council’s response.  Secondly, B: to consider the new application for a section 73 Amendment to Condition no 4 (private storage and no commercial use) imposed on the previously approved application and RESOLVE the way forward.  

A. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should send a formal response to ELDC regarding the decision being made before the closing date.

B. Following discussion, councillors RESOLVED to object to the application for a Section 73 Amendment as it was felt that the condition applied to the planning application was clear and not restrictive. (See N/132/02073/22 - Erection of a shed with a lean to either side - LAND OFF COASTGUARD ROAD.

ii. N/132/02421/22 - LITTLE PADDOCKS, CONISHOLME ROAD - Erection of a detached annexe with 4no. integral garages and stores on the site of existing outbuildings which are to be demolished.  Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the application. 

iii. N/132/02464/22 MARSH MEDICAL PRACTICE DOCTORS SURGERY, KEELING STREET - Installation of an automated prescription dispenser machine at existing health centre. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the application in principle but with comments relating to the concerns regarding potential disturbance to neighbours and impact on residential amenity, and query the potential to restrict hours, with a preferable location at the front of the building.  The irrelevant/erroneous  comments in the application regarding the site/location, which appear to refer to a different location entirely, were also noted.

iv. N/132/00089/23 - MUNTJAC COTTAGE, WILLERTON ROAD Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation to include first floor bedroom and ensuite. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to support the application.

b. To note planning applications approved/refused/appealed:

i. Tree Tops Marsh Lane – to note Planning Appeal Dismissed

ii. Plot 6 Tulip Way, Conisholme Rd APP/D2510/W/22/3310724 – to note appeal lodged and RESOLVE the way forward on submitting a response to the Planning Inspectorate before 16 February 2023.  Following discussion, it was not felt necessary to add any further comments to those previously submitted in objection to the application, which still stand, and will be taken into account by the Planning Inspector conducting the appeal.

iii. South Rd Caravan Park - Councillors were very surprised to see that this application had been approved, despite the potential impact on the amenity of residents, known flooding issues, and ELDC Policies.  Following discussion, the Clerk was asked to contact Mike Gildersleeves at ELDC and invite him to attend a meeting to comment on recent decisions on applications including this one and the one at Coastguard Road, and also update on the situation regarding flood risk and development on the coast as part of the Local Plan review.

c. Enforcement Issues/Actions – to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on potential enforcement issues:

i. Static Caravan sited on land adjacent to the Brooks, Church End (recently approved menage) – to be reported to Enforcement for clarification/checking.

ii. Lodge/caravan on land off Bridleway from Church End, near Shoalwater – to be reported to Enforcement for clarification/checking.

iii. Land off Coastguard Road Donna Nook (Bespoke) – issues of concern to be reported to relevant agencies, including treatment of grey water/sewage, and occupation/use of the land adjacent to the SSSI and taking into consideration its designation/category.

d. Any other urgent planning matters/applications – Muntjac Cottage Willerton Rd – see 6a iv above.

23/1/23-7 Confirmation of submission for listing of Asset of Community Value – DIO/MoD Donna Nook – to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on renewal of the Listing of the area as an Asset of Community Value

The Clerk noted that she would prepare the re-application and put on the agenda for a future meeting to meet the expiry date of the current listing.

23/1/23-8 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/RESOLVE the way forward on relevant Highways issues.

a. verbal update on problem log

- Marsh Lane corner – pavement edge – reported on Fix My Street
- Churchill Rd – Drain cover outside Village Institute - reported on Fix My Street
- Cemetery Rd trees – confirmed that these are covered by a TPO.
- Privet Hedge opposite Axe and Cleaver –as noted in the public session, the Clerk was asked to raise it in the first instance with the householder/landowner, and report to Highways if not resolved
- Privet hedge between The Manor House and Old Post Office - as noted in the public session, the Clerk was asked to raise it in the first instance with the householder/landowner, and report to Highways if not resolved
- Privet Hedge on Corner of Churchill Rd/Locksley Way – this has been raised with the householder and resolved
- Light obscured outside St Mary’s Church Hall – this has been raised with St Mary’s but it is not clear whether the tree is on Church or Academy land as noted in the public session.
- Sycamore Tree obscuring LCC light on Keeling St LCC31near to Brock House – the Clerk was asked to report this on FixMyStreet as it appears to be in the highway, though may be the landowners (Brock House).
- Lights on Warren Rd/School Lane – Number 29 is not working again – Cllr McNally to raise once again.

b. Any other/urgent highways issues – none 

23/1/23-9 Budget Setting 23/24 – the updated proposals from the Clerk were received and the different options were considered.  Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to include an additional £2k for Garden of Remembrance improvements and if not required this could be added to the General Reserve for other village projects or the Cemetery reserve for the other maintenance that is already identified as being required, eg repairs to pathway, gate and fencing.  The agreed Precept request of £41,796 therefore results in an increase to the precept of just under 10p per week, making it £72.94 per annum or £1.40 per week for a Band D Property for 23/24.  The Clerk was asked to submit the request for this agreed amount to meet the deadline.

23/1/23-10 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – 11 Feb – Live Band Bar and food £10 per ticket.  Cllr Walmsley noted that the Youth Club are regularly having 30/35 children turning up for the Youth Club on a Thursday evening so need more volunteers, as well as considering if they should split the numbers up into different age groups.          

b. Police Advisory Group – Cllr Newman – following a number of reports regarding instances of theft in different villages, and one formal report from a resident in this parish, Councillors were made aware of details of the suspected vehicle which allegedly is being used in these alleged offences and Cllr Newman has looked into the specific report/follow up action being taken.

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk - nothing to report   

d. Village Hall Committee – no report

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk – no report   
23/1/23-11 Finance

a)   the bank reconciliation for January 2023 was received and checked and signed by the Chairman.

b)   It was RESOLVED to approve the schedule of payments of £8,174.85 and receipts of £1051.72 for January 2023

c)   to deal with any other/urgent financial matters - none

23/1/23-12 General Correspondence for January, Website Updates and Communication – these have been circulated by the Clerk or see website.

23/1/23-13 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 20 February 2023 in St Mary’s Church Hall

23/24 Precept confirmation, Council priorities for 23/24, elections information and reminder of Purdah rules, Agenda for Annual Parish Meeting, Post Office update, Risk Management Review, Investment Strategy

23/1/23-14 Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED to move into closed session by reason of the confidential matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press remaining in the meeting at this point.

Discussion took place on the current position regarding Post Office services in the village.  The Parish Council does not have any statutory powers or duties it can exercise in this matter, but as the council has the Power of General Competence there may be options that could be considered, for example, to help facilitate an outreach service into the parish, or help parishioners in accessing the service from the parish, if the service provider ends up being outside of the parish.  However, it is not possible to proceed further until the Post Office have completed their consultations, discussions and due diligence, which include vetting/ background checks, with interested parties in or outside of the parish and let the parish council know the outcome

Sheila Pearce
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer