June 2022 Minutes
North Somercotes Parish Council
Minutes of the June Meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 27th June 2022 At 7pm in the Village Hall
There were no members of the public present. Cllr Rickett had given his apologies. The Vice Chairman was in the Chair and welcomed everyone and started the public session of the meeting at 7pm.
Public Session
a. Any updates from County and district Councillors:
Cllr McNally noted the collection amnesty for medical equipment, which can now be taken to the waste centre so that it could be cleaned and reused. The junction of Churchill Rd with Keeling St will be kept under review but so far as no incidents with pedestrians it does not meet criteria for investigating further. Light column 26 was reported but still/again needs attention. The drainage outside the primary school, which has been much worse since the resurfacing was done, has been raised again to see if there is separate funding owing to the impact on the school children in very wet periods.
b. Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda
• Public Right of Way – a temporary access issue arose on the footpath between the Poultry Farm and Wembley Road, which has now been resolved.
• Verge Maintenance complaint – Conisholme Rd. This was discussed with the Chairman and the contractors and a solution to mitigate any risk has been agreed with the contractors and suggested to the member of the public in the response to the complaint.
• Cemetery – Garden of Remembrance (GOR) Weeds – this arose owing to the groundsman’s unavoidable absence and has now been rectified. However, as noted elsewhere the problem of how to deal longer term with the weeds in the GOR via the materials used still needs resolution.
• £150 Council Tax Rebate – if anyone has not yet received their payment via ELDC they can contact Cllr McNally and he will look into it.
The Chairman closed the public session and started the monthly meeting
a. Present: Cllr Neil Drewery – Vice Chairman (in the Chair), Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Lynda Plater, Cllr David Wallis, Sheila Pearce - Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. District Cllr Paul Rickett had given his apologies owing to a prior appointment.
b. Apologies for Absence –it was RESOLVED to accept Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), and Cllr Stuart Arundel’s absence for the reasons provided to the Clerk. Cllr Walmsley and Cllr Smalley were noted as absent (apologies received after the meeting).
27/6/22-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders- None.
27/6/22-3 Minutes of 23rd May 2022 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt and sign the notes as accurate minutes.
27/6/22-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only
a. Cemetery – Woodworm treatment booked for 4th July 2022, thanks for Cllr Newman having done an excellent job preparing the pews etc for treatment. Listed building permission for work to the doors is outstanding, information being sought from the archived minutes. New smart meter to be fitted shortly and been advised that main electric box may need replacing. Advice to be sought from DEFRA/EA new requirements (see 12 below), changes to rules and fees – see 5 and 12 below
b. Community Orchard – pruning and watering continues
c. Audit – submitted as agreed at last meeting and public notice displayed on Notice Board and on website.
d. Communication – entry for July completed
e. Donations and Grants – payments arranged as per resolutions agreed at last meeting, except for LIVES as awaiting bank details
f. Policies and Procedures order of review - to be discussed with the Chairman
g. Email sent to Natural England and the EA regarding drying up of the fitties at Grainthorpe Haven as a result of the water going into the realignment site, and also sent to Nick Bromidge at the EA.
27/6/22-5 Cemetery Meeting - the date for the Annual Cemetery Meeting has been changed to Monday 18th July at 7pm and the Clerk provided a further copy of the Agenda – any comments on the agenda please let the Clerk know.
27/6/22-6 To consider any Planning applications received and resolve the way forward on these and other Planning matters
a. Any Planning applications for approval - none
b. To note planning applications approved/refused/appealed – none. In answer to a query, the Clerk confirmed that no decision appears to have been made yet on N/132/00493/22 Planning Permission - Erection of 1no. house with attached garage. PLOT 6, TULIP WAY – expiry date 19th May 2022.
c. Enforcement Issues/Actions – none
d. Any other urgent planning matters/applications – none. The Clerk will look at providing updated neighbourhood planning information for the September meeting.
27/6/22-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/resolve the way forward on relevant Highways issues
a. verbal update on problem log:
• grate on Cemetery Rd drain has been listed for repair
• Marsh Lane Sculpholme is being done
• No action listed to date for South Rd
• As noted by Cllr McNally in the public session, lamp no 26 on Warren Rd needs checking as intermittently still faulty
b. Paths and Verges:
• Conisholme Rd footpath/verges works – complaint has been actioned and resolved
• Wembley Rd/Turkey Farm PROW – the temporary access route during works to make the adjacent building safe deviated slightly from the path for safety reasons, and is now resolved
c. Roads:
• Woolpack meadows visibility/turning is still an issue
• Clerk to send images to Cllr McNally of damage caused to Cemetery Road when the Marsh Lane works were done
d. Street Furniture
• The Clerk is still waiting for info on applying for funds to replace litter bins/dog pooh bins which are broken and unsightly
e. Any other urgent highways issues - none
27/6/22-8 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees
a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley (not present)
b. Police Advisory Group – Cllr Newman updated on the issues of Neighbourhood Policing and the lack of police presence not meeting the expectations of the public. Public consultations on local crime/areas to concentrate on is patchy as using Next Door App, which Police regard as achieving good coverage but does not appear to be the case given the lack of coverage and engagement with the App. Recruitment of 120 more officers per annum is being hampered by the lack of training capacity, so this is being looked at to try and improve the situation. The shortage of PCSOs is a problem as many of these go forward as police recruits, and one or two more PCSO’s are expected for this area.
c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – no report
d. Village Hall Committee – no representative/report
e. DTE Wildlife Group/Seals – Cllr Newman/Clerk – August meeting date has now been changed. Cllr Newman still expects to be able to attend.
27/6/22-9 Finance
a) The Chairman of the meeting received and noted the bank reconciliation for June 2022
b) It was Resolved to approve the schedule of income of £994 plus the receipt of a £1k successful grant application to ELDC towards a platinum Jubilee bench for the cemetery was noted. Expenditure was £2,948.28 for June 2022, plus the RBS annual maintenance invoice and DDM cemetery valuation (pending updated report) invoice will also be paid.
c) to deal with any urgent Financial matters – none.
27/6/22-10 General Correspondence for June, Website Updates and Communication – all noted.
27/6/22-11 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 25th July in the Village Hall
Cemetery issues, List of Policies and Procedures for updating and proposed dates for 2023 monthly meetings
27/6/22-12 Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED to move into closed session by reason of the confidential Cemetery matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press remaining in the meeting at this point.
a. Cemetery – the various Cemetery issues, including those contained in the Clerk’s report circulated before the last meeting were discussed and RESOLVED – see separate Confidential Minutes.
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
The Vice Chairman, who was Chairing the meeting in the absence of the Chairman, thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.49pm