January 2022 Minutes

North Somercotes Parish Council 

Minutes of the meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 24th January 2022 At 7.00 pm in St Mary’s Church Hall, Keeling St

There were 5 members of the public present.  Cllr Rickett had given his apologies. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the public session at 7pm.

Public Session 

a. Reports/observations from District and County Councillors

Cllr McNally -  reported that LCC are consulting over the proposed 3% increase in council tax which covers the Social Care budget.  LCC Highways have been subjected to a £12m reduction in funding, which represents 25% of the annual budget; residents are being encouraged to write to their MP regarding this as it will have a negative impact on the already poor state of our roads and associated issues.  There is another round of COVID grants for hospitality and leisure venue, but these have to be applied for, there is no automatic issuing of them.  Evision Way and Willerton Rd are down to be repaired around the 14th/19th March.

b. Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or Issues raised for consideration for future agenda

i. Planning application Tree Tops – Marsh Lane. Members of the public attending the meeting presented their concerns regarding the development proposal for Tree Tops, Marsh Lane, supplementing the written objections already submitted to ELDC.  The Chairman thanked them for attending and the information provided, which would be discussed later in the agenda when taking on decision on the application.

ii. Speeding on Conisholme Road – a reduction in the speed limit and extension of the 30mph stretch had been requested in 2020, and with the new dwellings now built, a new request for it to be extended had been received.  Cllr McNally will raise this again and see why it was not taken forward last time.

The Chairman thanked members of the public for their comments, closed the public session and started the monthly meeting.

Monthly Meeting


a. Present: Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel,  Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Daniel McNally, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Shaun Smalley, Cllr David Wallis, Cllr Paul Walmsley, plus Cllr Lynda Plater following Co-option (see below).

b. Apologies for Absence – none.

c. Co-option of Councillor – the Clerk had circulated details that the applicants for the 1 vacancy had provided and following discussion a vote was taken.  Councillors then RESOLVED to Co-Opt Lynda Plater on to the council, after which the Declaration of Acceptance of office was signed by Cllr Plater. The Chairman and the Chairman thanked both candidates for standing for co-option and said that he hoped the other candidate would stand again for Co-option if the occasion arose.

22/1/22-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders:

a. Cllr McNally declared an non-pecuniary interest in planning matters as a member of ELDC Planning Committee and signed the book b. Cllrs ? an d? had declared a non-pecuniary interest prior to the Councillor Co-Option.

22/1/22-3 Minutes of the 23rd November 2021 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and they were duly signed and dated by the Chairman.

22/1/22-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only:

a. Public Toilets Refurbishment – tender requirements drawn up

b. S106 Conisholme Rd – see 6a below 

c. English Coastal Path/PROW FP28 – ECP consultation outcome still awaited 

d. Cemetery – LBC form completed for submission, preparation for woodworm treatment under discussion, checking situation with ashes on the inside of GOR, Hedging – checking suppliers/costs, Extension – see 14 below 

e. Amenity Stone – quote for repair now received/no decision taken  

f. Woolpack Meadows – see 14 below 

g. Youth Club – see agenda item below 

h. North Somercotes Footpath Leaflet – printing quotes received 

i. Theddlethorpe GDF – page now added to website 

j. Out of control dogs – pending 

k. Councillor vacancy – co-option process now taken place and Clerk to notify ELDC Elections Officer 

l. St Mary’s Redundant section – tree works completed, work to retaining wall to be considered  

m. 22/23 budget setting – see item 8 below 

n. Risk Assessment – to be updated to include Woolpack Meadows, inc Legionnaires assessment 

o. Chapel Fields retained land – Clerk to complete options paper 

p. Clerk’s Appraisal – to be done

22/1/22-5 Cemetery – to discuss and RESOLVE the way forward on various issues:

a. Options for type of hedging for rear boundary (South) with footpath and right-hand side boundary (West). Discussion took place that it would be difficult to do any planting now when the position on additional land is not decided, apart form the boundary along the footpath, but any option would need to consider the long term maintenance implications.

b. Box at gate for information – Clerk to see if a repair can be achieved in the short term.

c. DEFRA – Ground Water Permitting Regulations consultation – the Clerk briefly outlined the implications: the proposed 5m2 is equivalent to 2 of the current spaces, so will effect remaining spaces as well as amount of land needed to future burials.

d. Additional Land – discussion took place on the need to look at the purchase of additional land for future burials and interments, the need for Public Works Loan funding and the public consultation requirements that will be required as part of the application – see also agenda item 14 below.  The Clerk outlined the consultation with the public that needs to take place regarding the proposed extension, perhaps using the Annual Parish Meeting for the consultation event, and that the report she is preparing regarding the need for the extension and the options will be circulated to councillors for the next meeting. In the meantime, an article has been put in Communication Magazine to inform parishioners of what is happening so that they can be consulted and express their views.

22/1/22-6 To consider Applications received/RESOLVE the way forward on these/other Planning matters 

a. Enforcement Issues/Actions – i. S106 Conisholme Rd – It is understood that Lincolnshire Rural Housing Partnership definitely want to take on the properties, but this still appears to be taking a long time and the properties do not appear to have been advertised as yet.

b. Planning applications for Consideration: 

i. N/132/02399/21 Outline development for 2 dwellings (layout and means of access to be considered). Albion House, Keeling St – It was RESOLVED to ratify the comments submitted, that the council is unable to support the proposed density and also has concerns regarding the highways impact of the number of potential vehicles entering and exiting at this busy section of Keeling St, opposite Woolpack Meadows junction.

ii. N/132/00004/22 - Side extension to existing garage including removal and replacement of existing roof. 

37 WOOLPACK MEADOWS – Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support this application.

iii. N/132/02644/21 - Outline erection of 3no. dwellings with access to be included. TREE TOPS, MARSH LANE

Following discussion, and taking into account the objections and comments made in the public session, it was RESOLVED to object to this application for a number of material planning reasons, including its unsuitable density, impact on trees, negative impact on general amenity and living conditions of neighbours, and no protected species report.

iv. N/132/02643/21 - Erection of 1no. house and 1no. pair of semi-detached houses, provision of 6no. parking spaces on site of existing commercial garage buildings which are to be demolished and alterations to existing vehicular and pedestrian access. GREENARDS GARAGE LTD, KEELING STREET

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support the application but to submit the material planning comments on the potential highways issues, dnsity/lack of outside amenity space, lack of sufficient bin storage, ground-floor bedrooms shown, making the stated 2 bedded properties actually 3 with one ground floor bedroom.

v. N/132/02590/21 - First floor side extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. 

ROSA, 8 JUBILEE ROAD - Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support this application.

c. Applications Withdrawn

i. N/132/02506/21 - Erection of a replacement dwelling with detached single garage and construction of a vehicular access. Sandy Nook, Willerton Rd – to note WITHDRAWN.  The Clerk will made further attempts to look into the drainage issues that were raised by neighbours, in case this application is re-submitted later.

d. Any other/urgent planning matters/applications: none

22/1/22-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/RESOLVE the way forward on relevant Highways issues

a. verbal update on problem log:

i. Parking at Axe and Cleaver Crossroads – impact on visibility – this has been put in abeyance whilst the problem is not so evident, and can be picked up again later if the problem reoccurs. 

ii. Pedestrian Footway marking/give way to oncoming traffic sign (from Keeling St) on Churchill Rd - outstanding

iii. Willerton Rd/Evison Way resurfacing – should be resurfaced in March 2022

b. Any additional issues to be reported

•Building/Hedging obstructing carriageway at Bramleys, near top of Jubilee Rd
•Lights on Warren Rd 26, 27a still not repaired, plus School Sign Lights not working opposite Oasis Lakes
•pothole Donna Nook road reported

22/1/22-8 Budget Proposals 2022/23– Discussion took place on the narrative and spreadsheet proposals for next year’s budget,  based on an updated tax base of 567, which results in a 3.33% increase, or 4p per week, to £1.30 per week; which is below the rate of inflation.  It was RESOLVED to accept the proposed budget, resulting in a precept request of £ £38,473 which the Clerk will now submit to ELDC.

22/1/22-9   Application to establish separate Postcode for Donna Nook/Stonebridge Car Park – following discussion it was noted that it ws not possible to take this any further owing to the rules for for establishing separate postcodes not being met.

20/11/21-10 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – 12 Feb will be the Valentines Night at the village Hall, tickets £10 to include food, with a local band and bar.  The defibrillator has now been purchased using the money raised, and will be an unlocked one.  The Youth Club are back using the Pavilion.             

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman – Inspector Sarah Constantin has now retired and Dave Dickens has taken over.  The Wolds team will be holding a planning meeting to look at policing priorities.  The Clerk will follow up the issue of dangerous/out of control dogs with PC Precious who is still in post until later in the year.

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – nothing to report        

d. Village Hall Committee – nothing to report

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman – Seal numbers were marginally down on previous year, and visitor numbers less than some years, being c 49,000.  Traffic flows worked better, with an even spread of visitors making it easier to manage.  The report will be circulated when available.

22/1/22-11  Finance & Audit

a. the bank reconciliations for December 2021 and January 2022 were noted and signed by the Chairman.

b. Payments and Receipts - it was RESOLVED to approve the schedule of Payments of £9,909.31 and Receipts of £1399.10 for December 21 and January 2022.

c. request from the Youth Club for funding – it was RESOLVED to accept the request for funding of £1018.99

d. to deal with any other/urgent Financial matters

i. Request from the Bowls club for a donation to purchase a spreader - it was RESOLVED to accept the request for funding of £190.

ii. Amenity Stone repairs – a quote of £1,165 plus vat has been received – following discussion this will be carried further to a later date.

iii. Footpath Leaflets Reprint – following discussion it was RESOLVED to order the leaflets at a cost of £429.

22/1/22-12  General Correspondence for Dec 2021/Jan 22, Website Updates and Communication – these have been circulated, including: Zero Carbon Parishes – awaiting more information, b. Fruit Orchard – pruning dates – 2 spaces, dates to be confirmed.

22/1/22-13 Next Meeting – 21st February 2022 in St Mary’s Church Hall Keeling St - Clerk’s Appraisal, land purchase for Cemetery burials, confirmation of Precept submission, Internal Audit arrangements 

22/1/22-14 Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED that the Council will move into closed session by reason of the confidential property matters to be transacted.  Those members of the public still present departed the meeting at this point. 

a. Cemetery – the Clerk updated on the proposed purchase of additional land for future burials and cremations and possible interim use for garden allotments, including potential impact of the DEFRA Ground Water Permitting Regulations, and the PWLB public consultation and budget planning requirements, and the potential for needing to apply for Compulsory purchase powers.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would prepare a response to the suggested 
remuneration of fees on the basis discussed for the Chairman to check and sign, in accordance with the council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

b. Woolpack Meadows – the Clerk provided an update on the works carried out to the property to prepare it for letting, and the letting arrangements which will commence from 8th February 2022 at a rent of £650 per month.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.10pm.