January 2021 Minutes

North Somercotes Parish Council 

Minutes of the meeting of North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 18 January 2021 at 7pm by Zoom video

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the public session.  There were no members of the public present and District Councillor Paul Rickett was in attendance (until 7.15pm).

Public Session 

a.   Any Policing Update – Cllr Newman noted that the referred to update was expected next week.  The police are using the Nextdoor App to notify people of the large number of online and email scams that are around at the moment.

b.   District & County Cllr McNally – no updates at present apart from the emails that have been circulated.

c.   District Cllr Paul Rickett – referred to the falling number of COVID19 cases in the district at this time.

d.   Any items raised by members of the public or comments on the agenda

i. Resurfacing of Brown’s Lane – the Clerk has confirmed to a resident that Brown’s Lane is unadopted and that neither the Parish Council nor Lincs County Council would be able to assist with its maintenance even though a public footpath passes over it, as a similar situation had arisen on the bridle path near the village hall recently.

ii. Complaint regarding noisy/very repetitive bird scarer at Lakeside – this had been passed to Cllr McNally.

iii. Access to the beach at Stonebridge/Donna Nook blocked at the pullover – the Clerk had received an enquiry regarding blocked access at the Pullover at Stonebridge and had confirmed to the member of the public that it was to stop people trying to access the beach to view the seals during the lockdown.  It was confirmed that the barriers had now been removed and the Clerk will pass this information back to the enquirer.

The Chairman closed the public session at 7.07pm and opened the meeting.

Monthly Meeting


a. In attendance: Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr Joy Cousins, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Shaun Smalley (from 7.30pm), Cllr Paul Walmsley, Cllr David Wallis, Mrs Sheila Pearce – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.  District Cllr Paul Rickett – until 7.30pm.
b. Apologies for Absence –  none given.

18/1/21-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders:

Cllr McNally declared an interest as Chairman of the District Council Planning Committee at 7.09pm

18/1/21-3 Minutes of meeting held on Monday 21 December 2020– it was RESOLVED to adopt the notes as accurate minutes, and they were therefore signed by the Chairman.

18/1/21-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Public Toilets – the one cubicle is open as planned and further grants for refurbishment are being sought.   

b. Cemetery Chapel – quotes for roofing/gutters – see item 8

c. Community Trees/Orchard – no further update at present

d. Community Land Trust – see item 12b

e. Grass Cutting Tender exercise – see item 12a

f. Chapel Cleaning arrangements – following discussion these have been added to another member of staff’s duties.

g. Request to Environment Agency for timetable of works for Pye’s Hall/Marsh Lane – see 7b

h. Lights on Churchill Rd (70) and Warren Rd (26) – reported again but 26 will not be fixed until 4/21, unless it proves to be an electrical fault as it has been on intermittently

h. Anglian Water – still waiting for refund (£318) plus the promised cancellation of subsequent bill (£178) now carried forward and charged £308, plus failed to refund £20 for failing to meet deadline on response– complaint lodged again, direct debit cancelled

i.  Standing Orders/Code of Conduct – proposed amendment to follow long with note on conduct of meetings using video

Cllr Rickett departed the meeting at 7.15pm.

18/1/21-5  To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – no activities to report owing to the COVID19 situation, Grant applied for to assist with running costs that remain even though no functions being held.          

b. Policing matters – Cllr Newman – the Policing Panel is now defunct, communication with the public is via social media or live discussion on local police matters. Formal priorities will be set by management following meetings and discussions with the public, and then circulated.  The new Chief Constable has replaced the Force crest.

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – Various flood warnings are in force around the area – mainly around the Louth Canal and Lincoln area, with more rain forecast over the next few days.      

d. Village Hall Committee – no report.

e. DTE Wildlife Group/Seal Season – Cllr Newman – the Seal Season has now ended.  The public viewing area had remained closed following the 2nd lockdown rules, but as noted in the public session the barriers have now been removed.

18/1/21-6  To consider Planning applications received, Resolve the way forward on these/other Planning matters

a. ENFORCEMENT CASES – any issues raised by members of the public passed on to Enforcement /updates on cases

i. Lakeside – ELDC have confirmed that no further action will be taken regarding the issues raised.  

b. Planning Applications for approval: None

c. Planning applications approved:

N132/01916/20 - Erection of 5 no. industrial units to include the construction of a vehicular access and vehicular parking area. LAND TO THE EAST OF SOUTH ROAD, NORTH SOMERCOTES, LOUTH, LINCOLNSHIRE.  Councillors discussed the apparent lack of any appropriate conditioning in relation to landscaping for  screening, biodiversity and visual/acoustic amenity.  It was RESOLVED to make a formal request for comments regarding what appears to be a substantial omission, especially in the light of the history of the site, and the loss of the veteran hedge, which had been noted by the Planning Inspector at appeal.  District Cllr McNally was also asked to raise this apparent omission.

d. any other urgent planning matters

S106 Agreement for Conisholme Rd – following an enquiry from a member of the public regarding when the two affordable houses on Conisholme will be available, a request has been made to the Head of Planning at ELDC regarding which Registered Provider has entered into a contract with the Developer for the affordable elements, and an assurance that the conditions relating to 50% of the affordable properties being built prior to occupation of 50% of the market housing as per the S106 Agreement, will be closely monitored and strictly enforced.

18/1/21-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/resolve the way forward on relevant Highways issues

a. Any additional items to report –  the excess water on the road outside the Primary School on Warren Road is still a problem whenever it rains.  It should have been jetted and the tree roots blocking the drain cut – Cllr McNally was asked to request an update and when this will be done.

b. Request to Environment Agency for an updated Schedule – the Clerk has emailed Nick Bromidge, Field Operations Team Leader at the Environment Agency again to try and get an up to date schedule of works with dates.

Cllr Smalley entered the meeting at 7.30pm.

c. Any other/urgent highways issues

18/1/21-8  Finance and Expenses

a. the bank reconciliation for January 2021 was checked and signed by the Chairman.  

b. it was RESOLVED to approve the schedule of Payments of £1,585.87 and Receipts of £10,105.86 for January 2021.

c. it was noted that owing to a misunderstanding the RAF had paid RBL direct for the wreath this year, instead of reimbursing the parish council as agreed, so the RBL have had an additional donation of £18.50 from the Parish Council.

d. To consider the request from the Football Club

It was RESOLVED to support the request from the Football Club to assist with purchase of the roller for £695+VAT as it will be of benefit to the Playing Field users generally as well as the Football Club and the Youth Club.  The Parish Council will purchase the roller, using the powers under the Local Govt (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s 19 and Public Health Act 1961 s 54, and donate the Roller to the Football Club.

e. to deal with any urgent/other Financial matters

i.  the quotations received for realignment of the guttering on the two chapels and repair to the lead flashing on the chapel roofs of:  Quote 1: £2,780 plus vat, quote 2 £7,210 plus vat were considered.  The Clerk was asked to ascertain the cost of replacing the current plastic with Cast Iron guttering and downpipes, before deciding on the way forward.

18/1/21-9  2021/22 Budget Discussion – the Clerk’s proposals as laid out in the narrative and draft spreadsheets previously circulated were considered and it was RESOLVED to adopt the Clerk’s proposals for the 21-22 precept of £36,515, subject to confirmation of the successful tender for verges, Cemetery, and parish paths, in item 12. It was also noted that the Clerk has queried the tax base figure of 556 Band D properties, as this is one down on last year, when it might have been anticipated to increase.

18/1/21-10 General Correspondence, emails etc for January, Website, Communication - have been circulated.

18/1/21-11 Agenda Items for meeting to be held on 22 February 2021 /future meetings

a. Chapel Field – future maintenance/use of retained land

b. Public Toilets Refurbishment

c. Fire Resistant Cabinets

d. Confirmation of 21/22 precept request

e. Local Plan Review  - ELDC consultation exercise

f. Cemetery – GOR feature, and other outstanding issues

18/1/21-12  Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED to move into closed session by reason of the confidential matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press in the meeting at this point.

a. Tenders for next 3 years grass cutting and Cemetery Maintenance

The Chairman explained the process which had been conducted to consider the tenders received, and the Clerk had then compiled a table of these for cemetery hedge and grounds maintenance, village verges, and parish paths grass cutting.  Following discussion and consideration of the various tenders it was RESOLVED to select the tender which was closest to the council’s target costs.  The Clerk was asked to notify the successful applicant, confirm the appropriate insurance and other requirements, and inform the other applicants as appropriate.

b. to discuss the Community Benefit Society (CBS) Model terms for the CLT and RESOLVE the way forward.

The Chairman outlined the position following consideration of the applicable terms for the Community Benefit Society and the Clerk’s discussion with LALC about future use of the capital receipt for the Chapel Field Land.  After consideration of the additional costs, benefits/disadvantages of the CLT CBS set up at this time, the Chairman proposed that the parish council defer proceeding with the CLT model and instead set up a separate bank account within the parish council to manage the capital receipt and any potential purchase.  Those councillors who had opted to join the CLT could then be the council members of the Working Group, with other members from the community being co-opted as voting members of the WG as required.  It was therefore RESOLVED to establish a separate section in the accounts, or a separate bank account if necessary, and set up a Working Group or Sub-committee consisting of both councillors and co-opted members of the community.

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer