April 2020 Minutes
North Somercotes Parish Council
Minutes of the North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 27th April at 8pm via Zoom
This meeting was conducted by Zoom video. There were no members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and commenced the public session at 8.14pm
Public Session
- Any Policing Update – PCSO Ian Porter has resumed duties on a part-time basis.
- District & County Cllr McNally and District Cllr Paul Rickett – both councillors commented on the unprecedented times that we are dealing with and the use of video meetings to continue District and County Council business and directing those in need to find support and assistance, for example the small business grant funding, and the County Councillors’ Community Grant Funding to assist with COVID19 related activities, such as food bank items, expenses for volunteer travel costs, etc.
- Any items raised by members of the public or comments on the agenda – none.
The Chairman closed the public session and commenced the monthly meeting at 8.20 pm.
Members of the public/press are excluded from commenting on/participating in the formal meeting at this point.
Monthly Meeting
27/4/20-1 a. Present via video/phone link: Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Joy Cousins, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Paul Walmsley, Sheila Pearce – Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. In attendance – District Cllr Paul Rickett.
b. Apologies for Absence: It was RESOLVED to accept the absence of Cllr Shaun Smalley and Cllr David Wallis (unable to establish connection).
27/4/20-2 Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders:
Cllr Joy Cousins declared a pecuniary interest in Planning item 6bi and Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman) declared a non-pecuniary interest in Planning item 6bii, plus Cllr McNally declared an interest in all Planning matters in his position as Chair of the District Council Planning Committee at 8.24 pm. The Clerk made the entries in the Register of Interests and these will be signed by the relevant councillors at a later date.
27/4/20-3 To Ratify Resolutions necessarily taken by email, together with any suggested amendments, in respect of the meeting Agenda for 23 March 2020: see attached PDF table:
The Clerk highlighted those areas which had been agreed by all and where comments had been received from councillors, following which it was RESOLVED that all items on the attached Table, including the amendments noted and discussed, be confirmed.
27/4/20-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only
a. Chapel Fields Development – information board is due to be erected and work commence when feasible b. Coastal Path – nothing to report c. Emergency Planning Working Group – on hold d. Defibrillator Purchase – completed e. CLT set up – on hold f. Tractor Drivers on mobile phones – reported g. Highways outstanding issues – no report h. ELDC – presentation/discussion on the District Council’s relocation to Horncastle – ELDC attendance at meeting postponed; District Cllr McNally/Clerk to ascertain current position i. signage for Willerton Rd – to be progressed when feasible j. PROW - assistance with the claiming of alleged public rights of way (PROW) to register cases before the 2026 deadline – on hold k. Annual Parish Meeting – postponed to 2021 l. North and South Somercotes Community Support Group – set up, leaflets printed and distributed thanks to volunteers, ID cards obtained, list of volunteers/those in need of support being maintained, various activities ongoing. Awaiting Code of Conduct, Safeguarding info etc from Resilience Forum. Using Good Sam guidance. m. Cemetery Chapel – one quote received two others awaited and chased. n. Facebook/Social Media – set up of Parish Council page and COVID19 info page ongoing. District Cllr Rickett offered to assist the Clerk re page/post settings.
27/4/20-5 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees
a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley – Playing field is open but playground area is closed. Expecting to postpone/cancel the July event, and looking into business rates rebate claim.
b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman – IAG Survey has received over 2000 replies
c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – on hold, no specific updates
d. Village Hall Committee – nothing to report (can also apply for business rates rebate)
e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk – too early to make plans but will need to consider Seal Season briefing and potential changes depending on government advice.
27/4/20-6 To consider Planning applications received, Resolve the way forward on these/other Planning matters
a. Enforcement Cases – issues raised by members of the public have been passed on to Enforcement:
i. Lakeside Tree Removal – awaiting response ii. Caravan on Marsh Lane alleged to be in use as living accommodation – awaiting response iii. Issue of Horse Dung being dumped in drain – ELDC action underway, and LMDB confirm they are investigating and had occasion previously to take action on the same issue/location.
b. Planning Applications – Cllr McNally and Cllr Cousins were placed in the waiting room owing to their declared interests in the next item at 8.40.
i N/132/00658/20 - THE BAY HORSE, KEELING STREET. Erection of a pair of semi-detached holiday cottages and a block of 3 no. holiday cottages to include the construction of vehicular parking areas. Existing partially demolished outbuilding on site to be removed. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support the application on a business/ economic basis, however the Clerk was asked to register concerns regarding the possible overshadowing of the neighbouring property and the need to condition occupation to ensure that the accommodation would be used for holiday lets only, not residential.
The Chairman was placed in the waiting room at 8.54 pm owing to a declared non-pecuniary interest in the next item, and Cllr Cousins rejoined the meeting.
ii. N/132/00666/20 - MEADOW VIEW, KEELING STREET. Alterations to existing dwelling to provide a parapet wall above previous extensions, provision of a roof light and porch and removal of existing chimney. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to support the application.
The Chairman and Cllr McNally rejoined the meeting at 8.56pm.
27/4/20-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/resolve the way forward on relevant Highways issues
a. verbal update on problem log – no additional issues at present.
b. Requests to LCC Highways for update re the following outstanding issues – on hold:
i. A1031 Parking at Axe and Cleaver Crossroads
ii. Complaint re cancelling road repairs between Scupholme Pond and Cormack Engineering – rescheduling date
iii. standing water outside Primary School and alongside Oasis Lakes/Warren Road
iv. chippings and standing water outside Bay Horse
c. Any other/urgent highways issues – none raised
27/4/20-8 Finance, Audit and budget
- the bank reconciliation for April 2020 - pending closure of 19-20 accounts - was circulated and noted.
- It was Resolved to approve the schedule of Receipts of £17,089 and Payments of £6171.11 for March 2020, plus transfer of £20k to the Melton BS – as per the schedule already circulated, plus additional cheques to be signed for St Mary’s redundant section maintenance grant of £300 and Mr Dave Hobson for Mole Control and time/materials to erect and check on barrier fencing around Chapel after storm damage, replacing when wind caused further damage/vandalised - £310.
- The expenditure to date on agreed COVID19 items – for printing community support leaflets and id cards of £252.29 was noted
- the 19/20 Draft Annual Governance and Audit Return (AGAR) is being prepared, and the extension to Audit dates for 2020 were noted, although the Clerk anticipates being able to comply with the original July date if the audit is completed in time for the June meeting to agree it; failing that it would be agreed at the July meeting.
- It was RESOLVED to approve proposals to transfer £83K to Unity Trust Bank (or other identified secure bank/BS) and a further £6k to Melton BS in order to ensure the council’s finances are protected – transfers/cheques to be signed by Chairman/Vice Chairman or done by internet banking once this is set up as per previous Resolution.
- to agree that IT advice can be sought and funded for setting up appropriate Facebook pages – noted that district Cllr Ricketts has offered to assist in the first instance. Clerk will make contact after annual leave.
27/4/20-9 To receive/note general Correspondence for April, Website Updates and Communication - correspondence sent via email was noted.
27/4/20-10 To agree way forward on future meetings – and specifically if the previously postponed Annual Meeting of the Council - Monday 25th May 2020 at 7pm – Monthly meeting and AGM should take place via Zoom video platform. Following discussion it was RESOLVED that the May meeting would not be held as previously agreed and there being no other interested candidates both the Chairman and Vice Chairman confirmed they were agreeable to continue in their respective roles. It was also agreed that the Council would subscribe to the annual paid version of Zoom at the rate negotiated by LALC. Clerk to ascertain security status and appropriate invitation and management of public attendance/participation during training session with LALC on Friday 24th April 2020.
27/4/20-11 Confidential Matters – there were no confidential matters to be transacted at this point, and the Chairman therefore thanked everyone for attending and their patience with establishing the new way of working, and closed the meeting at 9.10pm.
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Attached: list of Decisions which were ratified by Resolution as per minute 27/4/20 Item 3 above