January 2020 Minutes

North Somercotes Parish Council

Minutes of the North Somercotes Parish Council held on Monday 27th January 2020 At 7.45pm in the Luke Walmsley Pavilion,

There were no members of the public present.  Cllr Paul Rickett was in attendance and the Chairman started the public session at 7.46pm.

Public Session 

a.    Any Policing Update – the Clerk had circulated the notes from the recent panel meeting, which noted a number of burglaries in various parishes.

b.    Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda

i. Coastal Path Proposals – the Clerk noted the comments made by local landowners regarding the proposed seasonal alternative.

ii.  Dead seals on the beach – the Clerk had received a complaint from a member of the public regarding the number of dead seal pups on the beach and had passed these on to Lincs Wildlife Trust who had confirmed that they had done a clear up, but this may have been after the person complaining had seen them.  In any case it is difficult

iii.  Poor State of South Road – a written complaint was handed in to the meeting regarding the very poor state of South Rd where it slopes into the ditch and how this had resulted in a number of near miss incidents when vehicles on the hedge side of the road are so close to the white line and it isn’t possible to use the full width of the carriageway on the dyke side because it is sloping into the ditch so steeply and crumbling away altogether in places. The Clerk was asked to report this to LCC 

The Chairman welcomed District Cllr Paul Rickett to the meeting.

c.    District & County Cllr McNally – Cllr McNally noted the December Newsletter had been circulated and the items it contained.

d.    District Cllr Paul Rickett –  Cllr Rickett noted various items, including that the Police had made some arrests at Holton Le Clay that day and that 101 should be used for all non urgent reporting of incidents or concerns.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Rickett for attending, closed the public session and commenced the meeting at 7.57pm

Monthly Meeting


a. Present: Cllr Steve Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Danny McNally, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Dave Wallis

b. Apologies for Absence –It was RESOLVED to accept the absence and reasons given for Cllr Smalley  and Cllr Walmsley.   

c. Co-option of parish councillor – Ms Joy Cousins introduced herself and her reasons for wanting to join the council, following which it was RESOLVED to Co-opt her to the remaining vacant post of councillor; the Acceptance of Office was duly signed and Ms Cousins welcomed to the Council.

27/1/20-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – None declared.

27/1/20-3 Minutes of 16th December 2019 Meeting – it was RESOLVED to adopt the Minutes as an accurate record, and they were signed and dated by the Chairman.

27/1/20-4    Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only

a. Chapel Fields/CLT – see agenda item 13a/b

b. Coastal Path  – see Agenda item 7b

c. Crime Prevention – see agenda item 13c

d. Emergency Planning Working Group Meeting – date to be arranged

e. Annual Parish Meeting confirmed - 8 April 2020 – Emergency Planning Presentation/Police home security presentation, plus suggestion of council to offer voucher against home security equipment/free prize draw (NS electorate only)

f. Dates for 2020 meetings - circulated 

27/1/20-5  To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                

a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley  (absent) – reminder re the Valentines Event on 15th – tickets from Paul, Axe and Cleaver, etc.

b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman – notes from the last meeting have been circulated.

c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – Meeting to be organised and Steve Eason Harris has been requested to give a 20 minute presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting.         

d. Village Hall Committee – nothing to report

e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk – Cllr Newman will attend the meeting which has been bought forward to February, along with the post-seal Season meeting, prior to Squadron Leader Christa Lawrence’s departure.

27/1/20-6  To consider Planning applications received, Resolve the way forward on these/other Planning matters

a. Enforcement Notices – 

i. Christmas Barn – Donna Nook rd – Enforcement reported that trading no longer being undertaken,

ii. Lilac House (Huddamorr/Clovely) - Keeling St – awaiting update on whether non-material planning amendment will be submitted, if this is satisfactory for LCC Highway’s standard visibility splay.

b. Applications Granted - ELLIOT HOUSE, ARK ROAD, Sycamores, Willerton Rd – change to operating hours has been granted, but not 24 hour HGV movements.

c. Any other urgent planning matters/applications - TPO Works Brock House – it was RESOLVED to support the application for crown reduction and the Clerk was also asked to remind LCC of the trip hazard on the pavement outside Brock House created by these routes.  The Clerk noted that there is room on the verge to extend the width of pavement to avoid the trip hazard so she will suggest this when reporting it.

27/1/20-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting – to discuss/resolve the way forward on relevant Highways issues

a. verbal update on problem log –  potholes on Willerton Rd reported but only 4 or 5 filled – update awaited. Donna Nook Rd pothole completed. 

b. English Coastal Path – the Clerk reiterated the latest proposals from Natural England which had been circulated by email, and this was discussed.  The ECP will follow the current/historic walked beach path between the Range Danger Area and the dunes but will need an alternative permissive route through the buckthorn during the seal season.  Following discussion it was RESOLVED to request the DIO/MOD to restrict the permissive Seasonal Alternative path to use only during the seal season and for it be closed the remainder of the time.  

c. to note any progress on requests to LCC Highways for:

i. South Road 30mph extension or introduction of 40mph – does not meet the stated criteria.

ii. A1031 Parking at Axe and Cleaver Crossroads – not yet allocated an officer to look at it.

iii. Complaint re cancelling road repairs between Scupholme Pond and Cormack Engineering – rescheduling date still awaited but now expected to be 2021.

d. Any other/urgent highways issues

i. Keeling St Foot path at Brock House – as noted in 6c above, the trip hazard caused by the Tree should be reported again to LCC for action.

ii. Standing water outside the Junior School on Warren Rd is still  problem, as is the standing water along the Oasis Lakes frontage.

27/1/20-8 Donations/grants – Following discussion it was RESOLVED to contribute £200 towards the fund raising for a Defibrillator to be sited at the Axe and Cleaver.

27/1/20-9 2020/21 Budget and Precept Discussion – in accordance with the RESOLUTION at the December meeting and after the adjustments for amended items and confirmation of the tax base, it was further RESOLVED that the Precept request to be submitted to ELDC by the Clerk was for 20/21 was £34,178. 

27/1/20-10    Finance and Audit

a)    the bank reconciliation for January 2020 was checked and signed by the Chairman.

b)    the schedule of Receipts of £1,781.24 and Payments of £6,285.44 for January 2020 were examined and it was RESOLVED to authorise and sign the cheques accordingly.

c)    The Clerk noted that the Annual Internal Audit has been arranged for 30th January 2020

d)    to deal with any urgent/other Financial matters – it was RESOLVED to accept the quote for £290 for remedial works to the Chapel guttering to prevent further water damage.

27/1/20-11  General Correspondence for December, Website Updates and Communication  - as well as the various emails circulated, the following were noted:

  • Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue  'community plan' for consultation and comment 
  • Lincs County Council update to Parish Council website in progress      •Fibre Broadband hub awaited

27/1/20-12  Items for discussion/inclusion at next meeting - Monday 24th February 2020 at 7pm

*Chapel Fields Development
*CLT progress
*Emergency Planning Working Group
*Internal Audit outcome
*Clerk Priorities/Action Plan for 20/21 following Appraisal

27/1/20-13 Confidential Matters – It was RESOLVED that the Council should move into closed session by reason of the confidential matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press in the meeting at this point.

a.    North Somercotes Community Land Trust (CLT) Steering Group 

Following discussion regarding the CLT Presentation earlier in the evening, it was RESOLVED to proceed with the assistance of Martin Field/EMCLH to set up a Community Benefit Society, with a Board of Directors to establish the North Somercotes Community Land Trust.  ELDC are supporting this initiative and are assisting with funding to establish the CLT.

b.    Chapel Fields Housing Development

The Clerk provided an update on progress to transfer the land at Chapel Field for the Affordable housing to be built by Waterloo/Platform Housing.  A copy of the proposed Allocations Policy will be circulated again to Councillors for Information.

c.    Crime Prevention Matters

The Clerk noted the current status.

d.    Sections 38 and 45 of the Commons Act 2006 

The Clerk noted the work which had been undertaken and the position was clarified regarding the potential owner of the currently unregistered land.

e.    Confidential protocol – the availability of the protocol and circumstances for use was noted. 

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.56pm