Biodiversity Policy

Adopted:    Adopted by Resolution of the Council 22/4/2024
Next Review: April 2025 or sooner if legislation or operating experience dictate

1.   Background 

`The legal duty to conserve and enhance biodiversity which was imposed on parish councils by Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC) 2006, was further strengthened by the Environment Act 2021.  The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) UK Biodiversity 2020 Strategy states that biodiversity is “the variety of all life on Earth. It includes all species of animals and plants – everything that is alive on our planet. Biodiversity is important for its own sake, and human survival depends upon it”.

As a responsible local governing body North Somercotes Parish Council recognises the importance of biodiversity in maintaining healthy ecosystems and is committed to promoting sustainable development and agreeing objectives that will enhance the overall well-being of the community. When carrying out its various functions, North Somercotes Parish Council will formulate specific strategies, actions, and practices to safeguard the natural environment and deliver those objectives to conserve and enhance biodiversity within the parish thereby fulfilling the statutory duty.

2. Scope

This Policy applies to the entirety of the Parish of North Somercotes (defined as the Local area), which includes all assets (land and built environment) managed by the Parish Council.

3. Objectives and Implementation 

I order to fulfil its statutory duty the Parish Council’s objectives are:

- To enhance and protect biodiversity within the Parish
- To make biodiversity an integral part of all decision making
- To involve and enable the community to connect with nature 

These objectives will be met through the following activities:

3.1   Promoting Awareness: 

Raise awareness within the community about the importance of biodiversity, its benefits, and the role individuals and the Parish Council play in its conservation. The Parish Council will work collaboratively with local residents, community groups, environmental organisations, and relevant authorities to implement this Biodiversity Policy. Resources, both financial and human, will be allocated to support biodiversity initiatives and projects and communicate information and raise awareness of biodiversity through its website and newsletters

3.2   Preservation of Natural Habitats: 

Identify and protect key natural habitats within the parish, ensuring they are managed sustainably to support local flora and fauna. 

3.3   Species Protection: 

Implement measures to protect and promote the well-being of local wildlife, including endangered or threatened species. This may involve habitat restoration, creation of wildlife corridors, and collaboration with conservation organisations. 

3.4   Sustainable Land Management: 

The Parish Council will, as far as is reasonably possible, conserve the biodiversity of the land it manages, including carrying out a biodiversity audit of its own landholdings and implementing appropriate policies as to use and management to minimise negative impacts on biodiversity.  This will include developing a Cemetery and Waste Management Plan which details how its statutory functions in respect of burials and associated waste management will be undertaken, including limiting single use plastics and non-compostable, non-recyclable items to meet its statutory duty.   It will also include adopting beneficial practices with regarding to cutting and removal of vegetation, application of chemicals and timing of maintenance work. Special care will be taken in the specification of grounds maintenance contracts to ensure that the work, whilst reaching acceptable standards, does not harm the natural environment.  It will also encourage sustainable land management practices, including responsible agricultural and forestry practices by others, including identification of grants and schemes as relevant/appropriate.

3.5   Green Spaces and Biodiversity: 

Enhance green spaces within the parish to support biodiversity, promoting the planting of native vegetation, creation of pollinator-friendly spaces, and maintenance of wildlife-friendly open spaces; for example, the creation of wildflower and bee friendly flower areas in the cemetery and parish verges, identifying areas of the older parts of the cemetery that could have reduced mowing, continuing with the native hedgerow planting in the cemetery and Playing Field areas.

3.6   Education and Engagement: 

The Parish Council will, wherever possible, raise public awareness of biodiversity issues. It will, where feasible, involve the community in biodiversity projects on its land and develop educational programs and initiatives to engage residents, schools, and businesses in biodiversity conservation efforts, fostering a sense of responsibility and connection to the local environment. 

3.7    Biodiversity in Planning: 

The parish council will consider the impact on biodiversity in the decisions they make through committees and working groups, seeking to minimise adverse impacts on biodiversity of activity and identifying opportunities to increase biodiversity when practicable. For example, in its role as a statutory consultee, the parish council will check that its comments reflect biodiversity considerations as part of the planning process, with the objective of trying to ensure that the district and county council’s approval of any new developments have fully considered their duty to enhance and conserve biodiversity and approved plans are designed, conditioned, and implemented with minimal impact on local ecosystems.  

3.8    Invasive Species Management: 

Implement reporting measures, for example by alerting the county and district councils to the presence of invasive species that may threaten the native flora and fauna of the parish so that they can be controlled and managed.

3.9   Monitoring and Reporting: 

The Parish Council will begin by establishing a baseline and monitoring system, for example by working with the local Wildlife Trusts and others to assess the state of biodiversity within the parish, regularly reporting findings to the community and adapting strategies and action plans as needed. This Biodiversity Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and alignment with any changes in legislation or community needs. 

4.   Priorities for action

4.1   Establish a baseline – working with the local wildlife trusts and others to audit the current position and establish a baseline should be seen as a priority, that will then inform a specific draft Action Plan and timescales for achievement and measurement. A summary of how the policy has been implemented will be published annually, with reference to the original biodiversity audit to show progress.

4.2   Planning

The impact on biodiversity and sustainability will be considered and incorporated into decisions and comments on planning applications. This should include but not be limited to protection of sensitive habitats from development and will consider whether the development would mean the loss of important habitats for wildlife in respect of all applications.  Biodiversity net gain considerations should be highlighted, including building features that promote biodiversity such as bat boxes or bee bricks, promoting creation and maintenance of habitats at the site such as new trees, hedgerows, ponds or meadows, and promoting sustainable energy features.  Where/when appropriate, policies in support of biodiversity should be included within the development of the neighbourhood plan. 

4.2   Land and property management 

As noted in 3.4 above, the parish council will develop the draft Cemetery and Waste management plan as one of its first priorities. This will include adopting beneficial practices with regarding to cutting and removal of vegetation, application of chemicals and timing of maintenance work, taking special care in the specification of grounds maintenance contracts to ensure that the work, whilst reaching acceptable standards, does not harm the natural environment.  The council will also aim to source sustainable materials when procuring supplies for the Council’s use and consider biodiversity issues and the implementation of changes when managing its buildings. 

4.3   Community Engagement

The Action Plan should detail how the parish council will engage with local businesses and residents regarding biodiversity in the community and how members of the community can assist and make a difference. Where feasible, the parish council will involve the community in biodiversity projects on its land including for example tree planting, wildflower meadows, litter picking, and birdbox making.