January 2025 Minutes

The Chairman welcomed everyone and opened the public session at 7 pm.  District Cllr Paul Rickett was in attendance until 7.25pm.
Public Session
a. Comments/updates from District and County Cllrs - none
b. Comments from members of the Public on agenda items or issues for consideration for future agenda
i. Permissive Path in the Warren – The Clerk referred to a query, and various unpleasant and inaccurate remarks, that had been raised on the village Facebook page regarding the continued closure of a short section of permissive path over private land in the Warren.  The Clerk noted that she had an interest in this matter as one of the owners of the land, and that the path is part of the DMMO claim submitted by the parish council in 2011, in response to queries from several parishioners following the sale of Warren House (after Bill Lowis’ death) after the new owners had strongly objected to people walking over their private track to reach the Warren woods.  Lincs County Council Footpaths Officers have been consulted throughout the planning application and building works and have confirmed that the DMMO application will not be heard any quicker even if the short stretch of permissive path stays closed once the remaining building works and fencing are completed.  Access is still possible by walking over the private track and round to the Warren Woods paths.
ii. Amount of litter/rubbish in Donna Nook Realignment site –The Clark noted the proposed clean-up date of 21 February 2025.  The parish council has some litter pickers and hoops that can be used by volunteers, and these have been offered to LWT if needed
iii. State of Culvert/drain down Millfield Road – this is being investigated following a comment from a local farmer regarding its potential collapse, and the Clerk has asked Cllr McNally if he can ascertain if ELDC or LCC have any responsibility for this.
iv. Complaint re FP28 temporary closure – this had apparently been necessary owing to the presence of a seal cow and her pup right on FP28 to the beach, but the path has now been reopened as they have gone.
v. Query re TP80 Sycamore at Fire Station – concern from an adjacent homeowner has been picked up with the Fire Station and now been passed to ELDC TPO staff for comment.
The Chairman closed the public session at 7.15 pm and commenced the formal meeting.
27/1/25-1 a. Present:  Cllr Stephen Brooks (Chairman), Cllr Neil Drewery (Vice Chairman), Cllr Stuart Arundel, Cllr John Kennedy, Cllr Roger Maidens, Cllr Trisha Newman, Cllr Lynda Plater, Cllr Shaun Smalley, Cllr David Wallis, Cllr Paul Walmsley, Sheila Pearce – Parish Clerk & RFO.
b. Apologies for Absence – it was RESOLVED to accept Cllr Danny McNally’s absence for the reasons provided.
27/1/25-2 To receive any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any item on the agenda in accordance with the Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – None.
27/1/25-3 Minutes of the 25th November 2024 Meeting– it was RESOLVED to adopt the notes as accurate minutes and the Chairman signed and dated them.
27/1/25-4 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding – for information only
a. Cemetery Chapel Doors – awaiting updated quote b. .gov work Email Addresses – technical issue outstanding 
c. Coastal Path – awaiting confirmation of route cut through buckthorn d. Chapel Field Housing Garden – Outcome awaited e. Chapel Field Future Use – see 13a below f. Defibrillator Maps – on hold pending errors and omissions on The Circuit being corrected g. Orchard area – replace broken/ damaged trees shortly h. Dog Fouling/Public Space Protection Order – details of other local councils who wish to participate passed to ELDC i. Bench opposite bus garage/bench on Conisholme Rd – quote received for wood j. National Grid Projects – ongoing k. Climate Change Report and Action Plan/LCC – results of comments awaited l. Policies and Procedures – schedule of updates to be prepared, including new Statutory Duty to prevent Sexual Harassment at work m. Cemetery Title deeds – change of address to be actioned n. Flower Planter – to be installed as agreed in Spring o. Biodiversity Action Plan – chased response from LWT again re initial Biodiversity Audit p. Study for community energy project - ongoing q. CCTV monitor/access issues – chased/awaiting response from supplier r. Oil Scheme – over 30,000 litres in the last delivery at 59.8p against average market price of 62/63p per litre plus vat s. Budget Setting 25/26 – see 27/1/25-5 below t. Donna Nook Realignment site/LWT – proposed cleanup date of Friday 21 February 2025 u. Cemetery Records – checking of map and historic entries continues, along with input of new information v. Records Management – archiving, shredding and recycling of old paper records is underway w. Free Trees- 500 free trees/hedging are due to arrive at the beginning or March 2025.
27/1/25-5 Budget Setting 25/26 – the Clerk referred to the updated tax base figure of 575 which results in an increase of £2.05p pa to £79.24 pa for a band D property, which is an increase of just 2.66%.  It was therefore confirmed that the previously agreed RESOLUTION for the precept requirement of £45,565 would be notified to ELDC for the 31 January 2025 deadline.
27/1/25-6 To consider any Planning applications received and RESOLVE the way forward on these and other Planning matters 
a.  Planning applications for consideration: none
b. To note planning applications approved: none
c. To note planning applications refused: none
d. Planning Applications appealed: none
e. Enforcement Issues/Actions: none
f. Theddlethorpe Nuclear Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)/National Grid Projects – no update
g. Any other urgent planning matters/applications:
27/1/25-7 Highways, Paths and Lighting:
a. verbal update on problem log, including:
i. Donna Nook Car Parking – The Range have asked if permanent signage can be installed to direct people to the car park at Donna Nook, to prevent people going to the Range to park. Clerk to discuss with Cllr McNally
ii. Warren Rd drainage – initial investigation work done 
iii. Parking opposite Warren Road Track to Oasis/Warren Farm near primary school – outcome awaited of request for double yellow lines or exclusion box to prevent parking to ensure safe access/exit
b. any additional issues/other urgent matters to be reported
i. Culvert/drain down Millfield Road off School Lane – Cllr McNally is trying to ascertain if either LCC or ELDC have responsibility for the potentially collapsing culvert.
ii. Permissive Paths in the Warren – as noted in the public session the Clerk, who has a personal interest in the matter, has confirmed that this will now remain closed until the DMMO application is heard/decided.
27/1/25-8 To receive reports from councillors who are representatives on Village Organisations/Committees                
a. Playing Fields Association - Cllr Walmsley reported that another incident of malicious fire damage had occurred in December when the inside metal part of the new litter bin had been taken and used as an incinerator.  Consideration of the cctv system has resulted in a decision for 3 more cameras to increase the coverage.  The replacement play equipment to replace that damaged has been ordered.  A Cheese and Wine evening and Young Elton event are coming up, and Party in the Park is being arranged for August.
b. Police Panel – Cllr Newman reported that she had attended the recent Priorities meeting where it was confirmed that the Police were reverting to the Lincs Alert emails rather than rely on the Nextdoor app for public communication. The ELDC Area Police Meeting has been postponed – Lincs Police have had a poor report and are concentrating on that. IAG meeting – the PCC are negotiating with Government for a better funding allocation given the underfunding of rural communities policing.
c. Emergency/Flood Planning – Cllr Newman/Clerk – see 10 below.
d. Village Hall Committee – Thanks were expressed to Cllr Plater who has agreed to be the Parish Council’s representative on the VH Committee.  They are looking at a new Fire Alam system and various fund-raising events.
e. DTE Wildlife Group – Cllr Newman/Clerk- no report
f. Youth Club – Cllr Wallis – the split into two evenings is still working well and they are currently organising quotes for repair and recovering of the pool table.
27/1/25-9 Finance
a) The bank reconciliation for Dec 2024/Jan 2025 was received, checked and signed by the Chairman.
b) It was RESOLVED to approve the schedule of receipts of £1,599 and payments of £8,585.43 for Dec 2024/Jan 2025 
c) It was RESOLVED to purchase a VE Day 80th Celebration Flag/banner to display at the war memorial on 8th May 2025.
d) Following discussion regarding the request for a donation from the Snooker Club in respect of the new oil tank/boiler, the Clerk was asked to ascertain if the Club owned the club premises, and also to suggest that they contact ELDC regarding funding and/or use their own reserves for the boiler replacement, and ask the parish council for assistance with recovering the pool tables instead.
e) Bowls club – the Clerk noted an enquiry from the Bowls club regarding assistance with keeping the club going, and had advised then to look at specific projects that could be considered for funding
f) The Clerk had suggested that the parish council could be approached for help with funding cycling proficiency in the village if this is not already being done/funded by the schools.
27/1/25-10 Emergency Planning/Personnel – The Clerk is again looking at drawing up the Community Resilience Plan and it was confirmed that Cllr Newman and Cllr McNally, along with the Clerk, would take this forward.
27/1/25-11 General Correspondence for January 2025, Website Updates and Communication entry – these have been circulated.
27/1/25-12 Agenda items for the meeting to be held on 24th February 2025 in St Mary’s Church Hall.  
Chapel Field future use, Sexual Harassment Policy and Training, CCTV/Privacy Policy and other GDPR updates, Insurance Policy review, Risk Management Review, April Annual Parish Meeting format and arrangements
27/1/25-13 Confidential Matters – it was RESOLVED that the Council should move into closed session by reason of the confidential property and CCTV/security matters to be transacted – there were no members of the public/press present in the meeting at this point.
a. Chapel Field valuation and consideration of future uses/disposal – The Clerk confirmed that she has compiled the required historical information and pictures as requested and submitted them to LALC for consideration and advice.
b. Police support for dealing with incidents of Criminal damage/ASB – the comments from the Information Commissioner and the opinion of the Police with regard to publicising images and making clear the overt use of CCTV at the Pavilion/Toilets were discussed.  This would include the publication of images from the CCTV, in consultation with the Police, and sharing with other agencies as relevant, to identify the alleged perpetrators.  There have been tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage including criminal damage: >£10k fire damage to the pavilion/play area, >£10k damage to windows and fittings at the nearby new build property, fire damage to toilets and other arson acts including taking and using the new metal bin as an incinerator, smashing of the public footpath footbridge, rocks dropped into the public toilet, as well as incidents of threatening behaviour and antisocial behaviour.  Councillors debated the view that such publication was entirely reasonable and achieved a proportionate balance between individual rights and the needs of the council/playing field, to reduce, deter and prevent/prosecute crime and/or ASB on behalf of the wider community.    It was therefore RESOLVED that the Clerk should update the CCTV policy and procedures to reflect this decision and reasons.
Sheila Pearce
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer